Start of a closer friendship

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FINALLY AUTHOR-CHAN UPDATES! Bad author-chan for making you all wait!

Sorry for the wait, I'm not gonna say my excuse 'cuz none want to hear it! 😜


Warnings: swearing

Key: (Y/b): Your bot (Y/n):Your name (S/n/n): stupid nickname (G/n): Guy name

After your little run-in with (Y/b), you got to learn that he was from a different planet called Cybertron; and he is an Autobot fighting the evil Decepticons. You had also learned about the B-team and how they had come to Earth by accident but had found out that more Decepticons were on Earth due to a ships crash accidentally releasing some of them from their stasis pods. And how Denny and Russell have been helping them for curtain things. 



It's been a few days since I have met Bee. I come to the scrapyard everyday when I can to hang out with him and/or Rusty. Right now I'm at the scrapyard watching a movie with Rusty. Bee and the bots had to go on a mission since Fixit picked up a decepticon signal. 'I'm so bored.' I thought to myself. (I feel ya 😅) I'm a very energetic person, so sitting for a while isn't that much fun. Plus, I've seen this movie so many times! But that boredom was about to be cured when I heard a sound of a car engine. I turn my head to see who it was, hoping it was someone exciting, and happily saw that it was Bee....and the team of course. (Ooo reader-chan!) I jump of the couch and walk over to where they were. "Hey guys! Did ya get the con?" Bee turns to me and smiles, "Hey (Y/n). ya we got him, but it wasn't easy."  "Sounds action-y, wanna tell me about it?" "Really? Sure, gladly!" I smile at his excitement. He lowers his servo for me and I gently hop on. He then puts me onto his shoulder and we start to talk.

*Bumblebee's POV* (Yay! New POV!)

I tell (Y/n) about the latest mission my team and I just came back from. I told a few jokes in between which made (Y/n) laugh. She also made some jokes which had made me laugh. "You have to tell me more about your adventures Bee." (Y/n) said. I turned to look at her and see her smiling with eyes that had so much excitement and wonder in them. It made me really happy that someone, other than Strongarm, was interested in listening to my stories and adventures. I smiled. "It would be my honor." 


I have gotten to know the bots more and I hang out around the scrapyard a lot more too. Even though it gets me into trouble with him. (I don't really have a name for the guy, Any ideas readers?) But at the same time it gets me away from him more. I hang around Sideswipe the most. It's because we both like racing. But that's the only reason. Nothing else. (Or is it...😏) Yes author now shut up. No one want's to hear you. (Hey! You can't break the fourth wall! Only I can! 😡) Anyways. Sideswipe obviously likes talking so he told me a lot about...mainly himself. I just kept quiet. No one needs to know about me. Well, the only one who does know a little about my past is Denny and Russell. But that's only because I trust them.

Right now I'm at the scrapyard just doodling in my sketchbook, sitting with my back against an old washing machine. I hear a hum of a car so I look up and see Sideswipe speeding into the scrapyard. He transforms and starts bragging to Strongarm about how he just made his fastest time. I roll my eyes and go back to doodling.

*Sideswipe's POV*

I came back to the scrapyard after finishing yet another record speeding time. I transform and tell Strongarm. She scoffs and walks away, eh she's just jealous. I turn my head looking for what I want to do now. I spot (Y/n) by the back scribbling on a notebook. I think that's what humans call it. She's always over there for some reason. I've talked to her but I really don't know anything about her. Other than she like's racing, so I walk over to her. "Hey (S/n/n)" She looks up, "I told you to stop calling me that." She said with a serious face. I smirked, I love getting under her skin. "It's pretty boring around here, nothing really to do. You wanna go for a drive?" She shrugs, "Sure, I'm not really doing anything." She stands up and I transform to my alt mode. She gets in the passenger seat putting the seat belt on. Then I take off out of the scrapyard. 

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