I Could Fall In Love..16..

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"Here's your lollipop." I smile, handing my patient a cherry sucker. "Which sticker would you like today, Keenan?"

"Superman!" He exclaims.

"Great choice! Here you go, sweetie." I smile more as I hand him a Superman sticker. "Be good!"

I turn to speak to Keenan's mother next as he peels then sticks it to his shirt.

"Make sure you give him two tablespoons of the medicine the doctor prescribed every four hours. If you do that, his fever and that nasty cold will be gone in no time." I mark a few things on Keenan's chart. "Oh, and give him plenty of fluids too. Preferably, orange juice or water."

"Thanks, Nurse Jazmyne. You're great." Keenan's mother smiles as I walk them out. "Keenan say bye to Nurse Jazmyne."

"Bye, Nurse Jazmyne!" Keenan blurts as he runs off to the elevator. "Thanks for the sucker!"

His mother give an apologetic look then follows her son.

"Bye, honey," I wave as they board the elevator. "and you feel better okay!" He waves, smiling wide, as the elevator doors close. "He's such a sweetie."

I walk over to the Nurses' Station counter and start looking over more patient files.

Today's been hectic.

I hope things slow down a little, but I'm sure they won't.

This is a hospital.

"Hey, Jazz." Teyonna sighs as she walks up beside me. "You ready to go to lunch?"

Teyonna is performing her clinicals here, so we get to spend a lot of time together..

"Yea, just let me finish filing these papers," I respond as I place the files back inside a filing cabinet. "and then I'll be ready."

"Alright." Teyonna sighs, watching me tuck the files away, as she leans against the counter.


"Guess who asked about you today?" Teyonna scoffs as we sit down at a table in the hospital cafeteria.

"Who?" I frown, playing with my Jell-O.

This doesn't even look like Jell-O.

Ew, what is this?


I stop playing with my "Jell-O", and look up, giving Teyonna an unsatisfied look.

"Why in the hell is he asking about me?" I snap.

Seriously, why in the hell is Devonte asking about me?

I haven't seen or talked to him since I graduated, and I would like to keep it that way.

Why is it when you finally get to the place you want to be in your life some loser, from your past, always pops up to try to fuck it up?

Why does that always happen?

"I don't know, girl, but I didn't tell him a damn thing. Then he gon' try and jump fly with me when I didn't tell him anything." Teyonna scoffs again as she bites into her chicken sandwich. "I started to go straight ETX on him."

I grin. "Girl, he don't want none of that or this, because East Texas girls don't play. Just because we live in Cali now, doesn't mean we're Cali-fied. ETX for life!"

"I know that's right!" Teyonna exclaims then we bump fists.

He don't want none.

Teyonna and I sit silence, eating our lunches, before she asks her next question.

I Could Fall In Love (A Michael Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now