I Could Fall In Love..6..

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Yeah, Teyonna's clearly shocked.


"Teyonna, lower your voice," I quietly hiss at her. "I don't want everybody and their mama in my business."

She finally realizes how loud she's being and covers her mouth.

When she uncovers it she begins in a softer voice.

"Michael Jackson is going to call you tonight? How does Michael Jackson even have your number, Jazz?"

"If the note says that he's going to call me tonight, Tey..then I guess he's going to call me tonight." I reply, nonchalantly.

Trying to avoid her questions I walk over to the couch.

"Uh huh, miss thing." Teyonna shakes her index finger and head at me. "You are not getting off that easy."

I sit on the couch as she rushes over to seat herself next to me.

She's preparing herself for the juicy details.

"Soooooo." She pokes with the biggest smile on her face.

"Soooooooo what?" I giggle, acting completely clueless.

I'm loving this.

"Jazz! Don't play! How does Michael Jackson have your number?" She asks again.


She gives me a dirty look, so I can tell she's growing impatient.

I guess it's time to tell her.

"Well he came over last night--"

"HE CAME OVER HERE?!" Teyonna exclaims, raising her voice again and in obvious excitement.

"Tey, calm down." I say then she quickly slaps her hand over her mouth again. "If you raise your voice again, I'm not going to tell you."

She takes three deep calming breaths, but keeps her hand over her mouth, just in case she can't control her excitement, yet again.

"Okay." I start again. "Well, he came over to bring me some glitter that I had "forgotten" at the club last night. Even though it wasn't actually mine. Oh! and I almost killed him in the process."

I giggle as I think about how I was going to use my Louisville slugger on Michael.

He almost got it for real.

"How did you almost kill him?" Teyonna questions curiously.

I guess she's finally in control of her excitement now.

"Oh, girl, I was here alone last night, and I didn't know it was Michael at the door. So I grabbed the bat." I turn and point at the baseball bat positioned behind the door as I continue. "Because if the person behind the door was planning to hurt me, I was gonna fuck him up on spot!"

We laugh hysterically, for what feels like eternity, then Teyonna asks her next question.

"So, how did he get your number?"

"I have his, too." I smile, coyly, as I cross my legs.

Teyonna's jaw drops.

"Oh my goshhh..you have Michael Jackson's number, and you haven't called him yet?!"

"Well, Tey, I really haven't had the time." I smile at the face she just made.

"You have time now."

I Could Fall In Love (A Michael Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now