Royal Get Together

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The above picture is the picture of the tattoo on the person that Mira saw.


When was the last time I actually saw my one and only cousin, if you say two years back then I must say you are good at guessing. It's not that we hate each other or that we are not close, we are just to busy to visit each other.

As a king he has no time for extended families and as a princess I try not to get involved in the court unless on certain matters. Now I am on my way to see my beloved cousin, King Xavier. I just wish this was a normal visit and not a problem solving appointment.

I straightened my dress and walked down the corridor leading to the throne room, the door was wide open and I walked through. 'Princess Ashier!'

I walked to the two thrones in front of me and bowed my head but I was pulled into a big bear hug, 'Everyone leave.' I heard feet moving until there was no sound at all and that was when I released from the hold and looked up at Xavier, 'Selma, it is so good to see you again. You have grown beautifully.' He twirled me around and sat me down on a soft cushion beside his throne, his blue eyes sparkled with excitement before dulling and a sad expression covered his handsome face.

'I am so sorry for the disappearance of your parents, I hope you are taking it well.' 'I am, thanks for your concern. That is the reason I came to you.' 'Tell me what ever you need to I will listen.' I told him all that has happened to all I have done to all that I have in mind and he didn't even interrupt me once, until I finished and steadied my breathing.

'Did you say a bright light before disappearance?' 'Yes, it comes and everyone goes with it.' He nods his head in understanding and gets up 'I want to show you something, lets go.' I slide my hand under his elbow and he lead us through a corridor I have never passed before, there are no guards and the walls are made of stone that look like they a centuries old.

'Have I ever told you why me and the other kings are very good friends?'

'Yes, you said it was because you always understood each other. Even though you bicker like children.'

His shoulders shock with laughter and I also joined in, 'Yes, but it was more than that. Did you know that they each have cousins the same age as you?'

'Really, that is a coincidence. I have friends from each supernatural group, although two are a year older than me.' I show him their pictures and he smiles, 'This means you have met them all, and now I can tell you what is to be told.'

We came to a wall and we walked through it like it was air, how did he do that. 'No one apart from the royal family can come here, this is the best place to talk about this.' Around us were shelves of books that look so old, he sat me on the rug in the middle and went to search through the shelves. He came back with a big blue book in hand and sat before me, 'This contain all you will need to stop this thing from taking over this world, but you will need to know the secret behind this.'

'Many centuries ago we never lived on this planet, we lived on a plant just like earth but in another solar system. As we are royals here we were royals there, the soldiers were of high strength but the only problem was that they could chose to fight or run away. Our ancestors had made a terrible mistake and made a box, this box could turn any living thing to an order following android. It altered all the cells to shape shift at will and follow the commands of all royals, but they put it under the care of a person. The book didn't say who but it said the person had the sign of a scorpion and an 'm', the person had turned against them and used the android against them.

It wasn't a fare fight but they won, the person ran away with all the plans and blueprints for each weapon ever made and fled the planet. The royals followed and crash landed here, they came with the thing that could help them but lost it in the crash. From all you have told me it seems like this person is with each plan and wants to turn earth to his/her personal army, the person wants to take back planet Epilison for themselves. But the can not do it on least all the royals are dead.'

He gives me the book and smiles a sad smile 'If you do this then you won't come back to earth, you have to go back to rule Epilison and the rest of your kingdom will follow. But all your parents will not be able to survive this because the liquid instantly kills the soul.' I give him a big hug and he holds me tight against him rocking us back and forth, I have always wanted to rule a big kingdom but not at the expense of leaving my own family. So this is what Dunn means when he said royalty is a sacrifice, then I will take that sacrifice, for myself, for my brother, for this planet, for my friends, for Xavier and for my parents. 'I'll do it.'

He gave me the book and kissed both my hands and then my head, 'You have always been a wise and beautiful girl, I just hope your mate will treat you as the treasure you are. Now tell me you are staying for at least three days, let's catch up on old times so you can meet my queen.'

'Old times when I always beat you at every game we played.'

'That was years ago, now I am a king and kings don't lose.'

'Keep saying it till you believe it dear cousin.'

'Let us go and see Queen Aria, I am sure she will be delighted to see you and your thick head.'

'Are we seriously doing this now.'

'I have no idea what you are talking about.'

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