Feelings The Same Person Different

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'So, what do we have?'

'We had sent people to all parts of the country and non of them found their hideout, it's like they aren't even here.'

'What are we going to do, she has already started building new structures.'

'She hasn't even attacked us, we have no idea what her plan may be.'

We have been arguing on this topic for the past week, it's like she is not there but the buildings remind us that she is there. She has been building these structures to make the city look lively but we sent people to spy on them and no one works there. This whole thing is confusing.

There must be something that we are missing, a clue of some sort. I carried the maps and went to my room, not really going to show them I care that much. I spread them on the floor and went to get some coffee, we don't really keep time here but I know I haven't slept that well in the past week.

I walked into my room to meet Charles with the maps, he smirked at me before going back to the maps. 'You know, you are going to make a high tolerance for coffee with the way you are going.'

'Says the one who still eats cookies to sleep.'

He stepped back from the wall and sat on the bed with me, we sat there and looked at the map for sometime. I don't know what I am looking for but I have to find it, I am tired of staying in this place. I dropped the empty cup on the table and layed down, I could hear the rapid movements of paws and footsteps but to lazy to get up and cheek.

I faced the door when I heard scratching, I got up and opened the door only to see a black dog jump on me. It looked so much like Kanzi and had the same strength as him, 'Don't tell me that is another snake shifter.'

'Should be, Ashely said Rani is coming.' The dog gave a bark so I just gave his head a pat before going back to sit, Ashely ran in and gave a sigh of relief when she saw the dog. 'So this must be Rani?' She looked at Charles and gave a nod before carrying the dog from me, know that I think about it both dogs run to me. Am I that lovable.

Charles left us with a smirk on his face but I knew he didn't like Ashley, he was just following his alpha's command. I turned my attention back to Ashely as she was stroking her dog, she looked really happy and it made me happy. Everyone is still wary of her but they aren't as mean as before, maybe cause we are all friends.

When Selma wakes up I'm going to talk to her about it. Now that I think of her I can see the resemblance in both of them, their pets are the same but in different colors, they grew up together, they think the same, but they are still very different.

Ashely is more on the sensitive side, she is more approachable and friendly. She is not as sadistic as Selma and knows how to answer a person without a sarcastic comment. Now that I think about it Selma really wasn't compatible with me, we had so many differences and most led to fights.

I already started having feelings for Ashely and the feelings I had for Selma had died a long time ago, call it what ever you want but I think that goddess made a mistake about Selma. I must have just developed feelings for her cause she is almost like Ashely, either way I am taking Ashely as mine.

I placed my hand on hers and carried it up to my lips to place a small kiss on the back of her hand. I entwined her hand with mine and rested it on my lap, I looked up at her confused face and gave my unique smirk. I carried her in my lap and buried my head in her hair, the smell of blueberries sent a shiver through me that made me harden.

'Do you have feelings for me?'

I noticed the way she tensed up under me as I nibbled on her skin leaving dark bruises, I waited for to answer but she still didn't answer. I went to her ear and softly gave it a bite, 'Tell me.'

'Yes.' She sounded so breathless and in need but if she knew me well then she would know I like to play around, I trailed kisses down to her shoulder and pulled down the sleeve of her sweater for more access. I noticed the way she would shiver and hold onto my arms when I kissed her neck, I trailed my kisses up to her lips and kissed her lightly.

I carried her up and dropped her on my bed before climbing on top of her, I pushed her legs open before crawling in. My wolf kept trying to claw out but I held him in, I don't want to go all out on the first try. I watched the way she bit on her top lip and played with her fingers, she looked nervous.

I wrapped her hands over my neck before dragging her legs forward, I have been with other girls before but she was acts like non of them. She isn't forcing her self on me or ripping my clothes, she is just waiting.

I crashed my lips to hers and shoved my tongue into her mouth, I noticed how she fisted my shirt in her hands and wrapped her legs around me. I rubbed my lower region with hers as I deepened the kiss, I could hear her moan and react to each kiss I placed on her body.

She called my name and I answered with a kiss, this was how I always wanted this to feel. Me in total control without any opposition, my mate under me and waiting for my next action

She layed on top of me as she traced the lines on my tummy, her nails moved up wards as she traced my nipples. A shiver went through my body and I held her hand, I moved my head to her ear and blew air into it. 'Don't start what you won't finish.'

She got up and adjusted her sweater before getting out of my bed, 'Where are you going?'

'I have to go help with the children.' The second she said that I started to think of all the children I could have with her. 'Are you alright?'

I ran my hands over my faced and let out a long breath, 'Go, before I drag you and take you now.' With that she ran out and left me laughing at her red blushed face. I guess all I needed was Ashely all along.

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