No Longer Alone

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'Pick your pace.'

I ran even though my lungs burned and my legs hurt like hell, training is about to end and let me tell you it wasn't easy. My clothes are burnt in different areas and I feel like shit, I looked back and didn't see Mr Harrison so I decided to stop but a bolt to my back made me run faster. As I ran I heard his laughter behind me, I got to the top and fell to the floor with a sigh.

'If you fall like that after every battle then some will notice and aim that time to attack again.'

'Thank you for the advice.'

'Is that sarcasm I hear.'

I looked at him and sprang to my feet before dashing to the leader quarters and barging through the doors, I looked every where for some where to hid.

'What are you doing?'

I looked at everyone before answering 'I kinda used sarcasm on Mr Harrison.'


I jumped at his voice and ran to my room and closed the door, I heard his heavy steps and the door was then riped off it's hinges. He caught me by the hand and dragged me out, 'What have I told you about hiding?'

'Never hide when chased, when faced with a battle or challenge, or hide where someone can easily find me.'

I looked down and focused on not laughing, Mr Harrison really is very different from his brother. Elder Agredan is a playful man full of energy but Elder Maliz here is a warrior full of energy and seriousness. The worst part is Mr Harrison is the youngest, quite odd. His mother was a griffin but his father a dragon, both bloods do not mix so one blood line was passed to each brother.

He dropped me on the floor before going to shower, if it was any one else I would have stood up and left but not to day. I do not plan on staying in bed a whole day trying to heal the wounds that those bolts of his will send at me. I played with the small blue flame that sat on my hand, as I moved my fingers round it it followed. I would spin it and diminish it before lighting another one with all the colors.

'Someone is fascinated.'

I jumped slightly before looking up at him through my hair, I still wonder how he has a very beautiful daughter while he sometimes acts like he owns no heart. He sat down on his normal arm chair while I turned to lie on my back, 'Why do you get a shower and I don't?'

'Because I was being sarcastic about you going to bathe.'

I faced him and wondered how his eyes could shine so golden when he has any form of emotion, 'Your eyes are moving again.' That has been happening for a while, its like something is alive in it and just keeps on moving. Some times it changes to different colors and it is getting annoying.

'I don't know how to stop.'

'You have to much emotions, try to keep a blank face. If your enemies notice the changes and can tell which emotion it is then that will not end well.'

'Must you really narrow everything down to battle and war.'

'You sound exactly like him, well. It's not me that has to fight something Ten times me in humanoid form.'

'You really are a good reminder of the death I will soon enter, and the victory I will gain and the injuries not to talk of the pain and did I mention the broken bones.'

He laughed as he opened the door for his daughter, I saw the way her face lit up and his loss a lot of the stone image he carries around. Even his eyes started their own movement, they look like the perfect father and daughter.

'Daddy, do you know how I spent my day?'

'Tell me, I am sure it was great.'

'It was, I baked with Miranda, played games with Dunn and Michal but Dunn kept on losing. I stayed with Caelan and Ashley, but Ashley is not nice. She kept trying to get his attention before he finally had to send me here, I don't like her.'

'Me too, we will but tooth paste in her toast tomorrow and mix her shampoo with dye.'

We high five but I could still feel the questionable stare that Maliz sent so I just sent him a simple smirk, I left the two family members to go take a shower but I was knocked down by something fluffy. I couldn't see past the wet tongue but I knew what it was, I carried Kanzi of my face before seeing Mira running at me.

'That dog of yours really can sense you.'

'It is a good and a bad thing, but hey. You win some then you lose some.'

She helped me up and said 'What made you so happy, you look like you went flying in a thunder storm'

'That thunder storm will be Mr Harrison, why so happy? Well, lets just say I have a prank to do with a certain some one.'

I could slowly feel something gliding down my hand and when I looked at it I saw my markings glowing, I looked up to ask Mira if she saw it but all I saw was a different type of marking on her hands. My face slowly grew into a smile before swinging my hand over her shoulders and saying, 'Well come to Mr Harrison's training of hell.'

I saw the rest coming towards us and could clearly see the markings, I gave them all a smile. Well only Dunn and Mich, still can't act normal around Caelan. I turn around and ran back to Maliz's room to tell him he can no longer punish me alone, the amount of joy I feel is amazing.

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