What's Wrong With Everyone

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To all my readers I share my joy, you all I the reason I still write this book. To all that vote I send you my love, you give me new ideas to write on. Don't ask me how. Do we all like the change of cover and name, cause I do.


'Call you all stop being sorry for your selves and help me calm everyone.' It is ok to feel sad but can we at least get everything set for King Xavier, he will not be to pleased to see this place like this with at least four working rulers. We had been able to get our strength back after that attack, it has only been a few hours and they all look like we lost someone.

I'm still in pain but I'm still trying to make an effort, Dunn's okay. But he is as good as in another dimension, it was only now that I was able to find them all here. 'What is the use, he is already going to shout at us. We may as well not do anything.'

'He is not going to shout at, can all of you just be optimistic. Where's Cael?'

'Here. Had to go check on somethings.' He looked worst than before and that is saying something, he smells normal, nothing happened that I heard of. 'What the hell happened to you?' 'Went to work on the arrangements for Xavier and spend some time with Selma.'

'Have you rested at all, you look like shit.'

'I feel like shit to, don't worry. I can handle myself, so why call us here?'

'They are not putting any input to this visit that will cost us our fangs and fur.'

'When you put it that way, it sounds much worse that I expected.'

'Jonathan's safe.'

'Yeah safe and lost, him and Hunter have closed up and won't talk to anyone.'

'Just tell the betas to do it.'

'STOP!!!' We all faced Caelan from our argument and he looked sad and pissed, 'Can you all just stop, she means something to most people if not us. You are treating this visit like he is just looking for something to hold us for, but the truth is we are actually at fault. We knew about her medical history and we didn't stop her from running of. We all made a mistake and we are just feeling sorry ourselves instead of doing something to change it, you all can stay and argue but I will do the arrangements. And don't you dare push all the work on the beta's, they have enough work to do as it is.'

He walked out with his head low and a sad expression, I have never seen him like this and it amazes me. He actually cares for her and it brings a sad smile to know she was not here to see it, it must be all the stress that weighed on him.

By the time the king came everyone had gone to their rooms and the super naturals gathered at the main hall, Cael had made sure everything was to his taste before finally going to sleep. He was dressed in skinnies and a dark blue button up shirt, we all wore our royal broach with our outfit to at least show difference in ranking.

Hunter and Jonathan had finally dressed up and came out of their rooms, the air was tensed when Xavier came cause he had this poker face and narrowed eyes when he came but Caelan came forward.

'Your majesty.'

'Quit the formalities Caelan, I am not angry. Just sad, so where is Hunter and Jonathan?' His facial expression turned soft before they came forward, he opened his hands and they went forward to give him a hug before he looked at everyone 'You are all dismissed, except the royals.' They gave a salute and they all walked away leaving us here with him, 'Do not be tensed, I am not that quick to bit. Unless provoked.'

The two guards behind him came forward carrying four big gift baskets to wards the kitchen area, when they where out of site he looked at us and smiled but I could still see Dunn shaking. Wait.... Dunn never shows fear to any royal, Caelan never gives a damn about anything like this and Mira is never this confident and never argues. She is always the optimistic one, a lot of things have changed in this few hours.

'We are equals so lets talk, I would love to have your betas here though. Just to have all the leaders here.' Dunn went to get them as we walked to the clinic area, 'Mirante, tell me how this all happened. Be free I'm not going to rip off our throat.' She told him all that happened but my attention was mostly on Xavier and Caelan, he was petting his head and saying something I could understand.

He will reply with short responses and nodding his head before Dunn and the rest came to meet us, the guards opened the door for us and stayed out but nurses where in Selma's ward. When they saw Us they stopped and bowed their head before Xavier sent them away, he sat down beside her bed and softly raked his hands threw her hair.

His eyes had changed to a red color before going blue again, 'Call me her doctor.' Hunter went and came back with Dr Simon, he gave a bow but was carried of the floor hanging from her neck as he struggled to breathe. Xavier's eyes had turned black and void of emotion as he looked at him, 'Have you done anything to help her condition?'

His voice had gone deep and dangerous as he released him to talk 'No, your majesty.' He held his face as his claws came out and went through Simon's skin, 'You have the audacity to tell me that you have done nothing to help her. You are useless to me.' He ripped out his jaw and threw the lifeless body on the floor.

So this is where Selma got her temper and sadistic nature from, I looked at Jonathan but he didn't even seem bothered in fact he looked bored. The guards came and took the body away as Xavier cleaned his nails and sat back down as a new doctor came, 'So, she is not as bad as I thought. She will be okay as long as she gets a lot of carbon and the poison will reduce with the injection I'll give her.'

Xavier faced us and smiled with his blue eyes sparkling 'She will be alright now, that doctor didn't even know his job well, Astin will stay with you all. Now Caelan, Hunter and Jonathan follow me to my room, I am tired.' That was something I never want to see in my life, unless necessary. Everyone is just off their Bering right now, What's wrong with everyone?

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