One By One They Go

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Happy to say I haven't lost my vibe for this story, and I won't lose it until I am done with it. Thanks for all your support.


' I have done as you have asked of me.' I looked at my number one spy and gave a very big smile, 'Good, now move on to Mira and get rid of their parents. All their parents and if you can then their siblings, Do the same to all the super naturals parents. None of them should be left.'


It's been a week and Selma hasn't come out off her house to talk to any one, school was suspended because of all the disappearing and we have been meeting up at the meeting grounds with all the super naturals.

According to Jonathan, Selma has been working on something that has her up and out at night. They both didn't take the news well but at least Jonathan still trys to talk with others. It's been a long day and I just want to relax with my family, we are having a family game night.

We plan on spending time with each other and try to forget that people are disappearing, and forget that we too came just disappear. I sit besides my elder brother, Isaac. Since this whole thing started all the other countries had sent everyone back to their home countries, so we can spend time with our family.

As we were playing monopoly a knock was heard at the door, mum went to look at who was there and a blinding light shone round the house. I held on to Isaac and shielded my eyes from the light, when it went dim I still couldn't see and when I adjusted my eyes mum and dad weren't there.

I faced Isaac and saw the reflection of my scared face in his eyes, we jumped into action and searched the whole house. 'I can't see them, did you?' 'No.' We meet at the stairs and we looked at each other and said in unison 'The cameras!'

We ran to the camera room and he sat down on the chairs and searched for todays video, I just hope it's not what I think it is. My parents should be here, dad was with us so how did he go.

I watch as a mail man walks up to our door step holding a package and rings the bell, mum opens the door and he rips open the package to reveal the bright light. He pauses it and zooms in, the light seems to have covered the whole block and that is when I noticed the silver liquid from that thing that attacked me.

The door opens and there stands a man with spiked hammers as hands, so that was why the liquid was at our door step. I stand in front of Isaac and say 'When I start you run out of here and straight to Selma's house.' I keep my eyes trained on the man as I remove my diamond ring, 'Are you mad he will kill you, I can't leave you here.'

I face him and hand him the ring 'When you get out of here go to the other houses and see if any one needs help, take my phone and call my friends that I need help.' At this point I know he is looking at my plain white eyes and sharp teeth, I try not scratch him as I hold our hands together 'Trust me.'

He nods and I face the man as his takes the first swing, I push Isaac out of the way as it collides with my side. I grab hold of the hammers and throw him to the side, I face Isaac and tell him to go. I face the man again as he tries to drop the hammer on me but I quickly move to the other side and send a side kick to his head, as I cut of the hammers. He immediately gets up and sends a spear at my shoulder pinning me to the wall and a shout escapes my lips. he pulls me out of it and bangs my head on the wall multiple time. Each hit making my body shake with pain, when he drops me he carries the spear and raises it up to strike me. I shake of the pain and get up with speed and shove my hand into his chest and pull out the heart, it turns black and to body turns to ash.

I run out off the house and see a lot of teenagers holding some children and a few adults, I run up to them and I am enveloped in a big hug. 'Never do that to me again, you have a lot off explaining to do.' He releases me and we face the crowd of sad and tear stained faces 'Adults take the kids with you and follow me, if you don't have a car to stay in come here.' Everyone gets in different cars and only a few kids remain, I hope Dunn doesn't freak out at what I'm going to do.

I shift into my bear form and Isaac walks up to me and pets may head, 'This is crazy.' 'I know, just help the kids get on my back. I'll explain later, I promise.' He nods and help them get on my back, our neighbor Darcy, hugs my neck and whispers in my ear 'I miss mum and dad.'

I nod my head in agreement and that is when to the loss of my own parents hit me, I turn to check and Isaac gives me a thumbs up. I face forward and begin my run as the cars follow from behind, I just hope we will be able to do some thing about all this.

I enter Selma's house to see Jonathan coming out, 'Mira?' 'Yes, it's me. Where is Selma?' He looks behind me to see the convoy of cars and shakes his head in sadness, 'The same thing happened to your street?'

Did this happen some where else also, where is Selma. 'What happened?' He raised his head and I saw tears in his eyes 'We can't stay here, we need to move from here. Leave the cars and lets go.' The kids come down and I go into the house to wear some clothes, when I come back everyone is already out of their cars.

Jonathan leads the way as we follow, I stay at the back with Isaac and carry a sleeping Darcy. It is really late and I am sure everyone is tired and hungry, we stop at a clearing and a mist covers us. He opens a door on the floor and walks I with everyone following behind, we enter into this big hall and pass through another bigger door that leads to an open training yard. We turn corners and doors that lead to a big cafeteria, he then faces us and says 'You may all treat yourselves to what ever you wish to eat and drink, we are all sorry for you loss but we are all together in this. Here you will be safe from what ever is attacking us, tomorrow morning we will have a meeting to tell us how to go about all this. Go to the desk over there to get a room and other necessities will be provided for you.' Everyone leaves and he walks up to me 'Mira, you have a meeting with the other super naturals, through that door ant to your left.' I hand Darcy over to Isaac and tell him to save a room for me before walking in the direction of the meeting room, I just hope we find a way to stop all of this.

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