Learning to Conquer at All costs

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Thanks to all my readers and love to all my voters, you all give me the stamina to keep writing. The part that is underlined is Mr Harrisons thoughts.


The past month has been crazy and stressful, so much drama that I'm sure that my life is a reality TV show. I don't want me and Selma to fight anymore so we made up that time that she fought with Dunn, some will say that I trying to take her away from Dunn but I really respect her and I want her to Know that. I'm also trying to bring them back together but they act like children and it is really annoying.

I carried my cup of hot chocolate and walked to one of the sitting rooms, I promised Sel that I would help her entertain the children for Christmas and bring presents for them. I leaned on to door and watched her read a book to all of them, we took care of the children while the rest took care of the party for all the teenagers.

She closed the book and called me over to sit with her, 'Kids, we are going to sing the carols and this grumpy young man over here will play the guitar for us.' How did you know I play the guitar?

Because the bad boy is in music class, and I may have checked your school files on one of our rescue trips.

You sneaky little bitch.

She gave me the guitar and I tuned it to my liking as the children watched me with interest, I gave her the go ahead and she sang with each correct key. I strung to cords to the song and got lost in my own world of notes, I don't sing but I know each key by heart and when I play all I see is the keys and notes.

Music is my safe heaven but I don't do it often any more ever since Laura is not here, she would always play the piano as I played and laugh if we got it wrong. I opened my eyes and gave Sel a small smile before handing the gifts to each child, and receiving a lot of hug from each one before they run to their parents and those that lost theirs stay with us and eat cookies and drink hot chocolate.

The little girl that Sel saved sat on my lap nibbling on a cookie as Sel went to go get something, the little has been a really good company although she doesn't talk much. Turns out her name is Stacy Harrison, same surname as Mr Harrison. Speaking of him, we haven't seen him. We were able to safe most of the teachers that give the young one classes but we haven't seen him and his address was wiped from the schools system. Odd if you ask me.

I got out the book that Lukas gave me when I went see him, as a prince it is not easy to live normal anymore. I learnt this when I got to his palace and everyone was bowing their heads at me and addressing me as 'prince'. He told me There were only three more books after the one he gave me that now belonged to Sel, Mich, Mira and Dunn, he said three but we are five. Odd? I know.

I don't want to tell anyone cause it will raise suspicion and we all don't need that right now, we just started getting back together and I finally got myself a beta by the name of Charles. He's alright, understands me and even frees me of all the stress piling on me from the pack. As I read the book a page started to glow and I turned to it, on it I saw the picture of Mr Harrison on it. Stacy looked at the picture and ran her small fingers over it 'Daddy', Most times that word turns me on but this time it just strike curiosity through me.

Sel came back and handed me a croissant before she looked at the book with shock on her face, I turned back to the back and saw the picture moving. He was running through a forest being chased by the androids, I heard his voice I am sure of it. It was I was listening to a movie.

They can't get me, not now. I hope Stacy can forgive and I hope she is safe, I did that to keep her safe. I hope I did the right thing.

'Where is he?' The book turned to another page and it was like someone was writing but we all knew it was his thoughts.

I'm at the Servon forest, I don't know who is talking but could you help me? 'Mr Harrison could you climb a tree and wait there for us, we want to help you.' We turned the page and saw him climbing a tree.' I closed the book and gave it to Stacy as I knelt down infront of her and took her hands as I wiped her tears 'I promise we will bring your father back, just do us this favor and tell Michal to keep guard at alert until we come back.' She nodded her head and gave her my silver earrings and Sels ruby bracelet before I kissed her head and ran out with Sel behind me, when we got out I removed my sweat suit and gave it to her before shifting. She sat down and we ran into the forest straight to him, I hope he didn't move.

We got there and saw androids surrounding a tree, Selma slowly got off and I shifted back and wore my sweats. She didn't even look at me once and I kinder felt cocky, I was about to make a nasty comment when I heard a light soft voice talking. It was like she didn't want to disturb the peace of the forest but it had so much authority.

A girl about my age with snow white hair and purple eyes came forward and the androids cleared a path for her, 'Maliz, come down. We can do this the easy way or the hard way, this is what you are and you can not fight it.'

'I do not wish to join you in this plan of yours, it will lead to your fall.'

'It is not an option, you will join me.'

'Didn't you hear him, he is not going with you.' She faced us as we came out, she looked like the ice queen with her pale skin and it sent shives down my back. Or was it the cold? Don't care. She walked to face us and said 'So these are the royalties of Epilison, how wonderful. You look more beautiful in person, but that will change.'

As on queue to androids ran at us but Sel burnt them all and I ran to the tree and got to the top were a knocked out Harrison as thrown on the girl's back 'Caelan, so nice of you to come stay in a tree with me. I'm sure you have never kissed a girl in a tree although there's a song that said so.'

'What do you want?' 'I want to appease my generation and bring all you royals to your knees and Maliz over here is a pun in my plan.' I ran at her and pushed her off the tree but held onto Mr Harrison and backed away from the branch, I looked down and saw a writing on the snow 'Kalika gets what she wants at all costs.' In this case she was asking for her death.

We got back and carried him down, we were chased by androids and carried a weak Harrison. I felt and looked like shit and so did Selma, she had it bad since she was down when I went to get Harrison. When we got down everyone was waiting for us, Scott and Mark to Harrison away as I helped Sel stand properly.

Stacy ran to us and gave us a hag before giving me my book and wearing to earrings for me, 'I promised didn't I.' 'And you kept it.' Today was the best Christmas I have ever had.

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