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I woke up some time ago and everything that happened came back to me. I had gone back with Mira to look for Selma, the smoke was getting thick and her health won't hold up at that rate. Mich had found Dunn and taken him back as we looked for her, as we searched we came across a bunch of androids and they really looked ready to kill.

I noticed how weak I got but when I saw Selma fighting with Kalika I knew I had to be strong for her, I have not told her that she is my mate but I have getting this craving to have her under me and it doesn't want to go.

I tried my hardest but still I was pulled back, I became so angry that I did something I promised my self I would never do. I flipped, but this time it sent a wave that immediately sent all the androids to ashes. I saw each and everyone of us with this thick black aura that I have never seen, Mira looked like she could destroy us all as flames came out of her hands in waves. Mich looked like a rampant beast on a rampage but to worst of all was Selma, her red scales had a dark shine that could send shivers down anyone's spine.

She looked deadly and she acted deadly, She literally ripped everything to shreds and gave Kalika a hell of a beating. We had dropped her swords for this battle and we weren't even done at all, more where still coming.

We were able to cause enough damage to make them leave but as they left something released into the air and I could not stay grounded, everything seemed to move and I fell into darkness.

That was then, now. I am covered in bandages and no one is here, I can't even stand up for the pain I feel is un bearable. Charles, get your ass over here. It took some time but he ran into the room and stayed by my side. 'Your awake, thank God.'

'What is wrong with me?' My voice came out hoarse and nothing above a whisper.

'The doctor said you had inhaled a lot of wolfsbane and had a lot of deadly wounds, you won't be healing normally until the bane is gone.'

'What about the others?'

'Mich is healing nicely although very slowly, Mira is sleeping so she's alright but some serious bruises.'

'What about Selma?'

He took a deep breath before facing me again, he knew she was my mate. I had only told him and if those not talk them I know something is wrong, and I was not going to like it but I need to know.

'Charles, speak to me. You know I hate not being replied.'

'She's in a critical condition, the smoke was to much for her human form and the dragon poison in the air was in over dose, not to mention she has dragon fever. Her wounds are severe and they are not healing. She hasn't woken up since then and her lungs are clogged.'

I needed to see her but if I do then I will break, my face started hurting and that was when I noticed the tears streaming down my face. I don't want too cry but this is too much for me, this is why I try not to care. Losing someone is to painful to bear.

I slowly sat up and wince at the sudden pain that went through me, Charles to make me lie back but I hit his hand back and stood up on shaky feet. I regained my balance and took a few steps with his help 'Tell me, how did that bitch know where we were?'

'We had gone over everything and the only conclusion is that we have a traitor among us.'

There was someone talking on the phone last year, we totally for got. See where we are now, Is everyone safe?'

'Yes, we are all complete. All the injured have been treated.'

We walked to Selma's room and he sat me down at chair beside her, she looked so pale. Her lips were slightly blue and bandages covered parts of her face, the beautiful face I had come to love. I didn't want love but she made it so easy to love, she made it interesting and painful at the same time.

I did love her but I would never say it to her, she never fancied love as an emotion. All want right now was for her to wake up and punched me for watching her as she slept or telling me I look like a mummie with all the bandages wrapped around me.

I want her to shout at me for being to cocky or lecturing me on why I don't ever make sense, she should just wake up. I kissed her hand and kissed her forehead even when it hurt my internal organs, but it hurt more to see her like this.

I walked back out and that was when to pain over took me, I couldn't stand or hold on to Charles. He helped me to my room as my breathing started to slow down and deepen, all I could feel was pain and in a way I deserved it.

I couldn't protect my mate and worse is she is in a critical condition, 'How do they expect to help her?'

'They don't know, she needs sun light but it will affect the poison and make the whole thing worse. They are just waiting for her to wake up, but they called her cousin and he is coming himself.'

'You mean the king?'

'Yes, he was called and he is not to happy about the whole thing.' He gave me some pain killers and water before getting me food, when he came back he came with Stacy. I sat up and she sat beside me as I ate, 'How are you?' I would not have heard her if my hearing was not heightened, 'In pain.'


'No, don't apologize it wasn't your fault. It was bound to happen.'

'Will Selly become better?'

'Sure, if she doesn't then we will be very angry with her.' I will be more angry at myself I just need to trust her.

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