Meeting Of The Super Naturals

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Isn't Mira pretty, well all my readers do me a favor and vote. It means a lot to me.


Yesterday night was the worst night of my life, I broke my spine with that little explosion, some abnormal toddler came into my room and beat my ass up and know I have scares that can last me a life time. Not to mention I only spent at least an hour of sleep, no amount of coffee can give me that energy boast cause I latterly drank a whole jug this morning. That is the problem with being a dragon shifter, no amount of coffee, alcohol or any other thing can affect you. I really need a stimulant to keep me awake, I wore my black jacket and skinny jeans with high tops to cover all my scars. For some reason they are not healing as fast as they used to. I let my hair down to cover the faint claw marks on my checks along with a little concealer, I got my keys and walk out with my bag on my shoulder and a croissant in my hand. I got school a few minutes before hand and walked through the halls as I gave high fives and Helloed everyone as I got to my locker, Hunter walked up to me and asked 'What happened to your face?' We have been friends since we were toddlers and turns out he's a leviathan, we ended up finding out together and doing a lot of research to know how to go about it.

We are close but not like how me and Dunn are close, we had brought all the super naturals to sit at the last three tables in the cafeteria, during lunch we talk about keeping the peace and keeping the mortals in the dark. That is why we dragon shifters wear rubies, were wolves-silver, sabretooths tigers-black metals and warrior bears-diamonds. those are all our weaknesses but they help us keep our powers at mortal level. For him, he just doesn't have to get angry and the whole school will be alright

'I'll tell you all during lunch.' 'It better be good little one, cause Dunn, Mich, Mira and Cael look the same way, like you all where ran over by a truck.' I roll my eyes at him and we walk to our first class.

When the bell for lunch sounds all the super naturals nod at me as they walk out, I guess Hunter has already spread the news. I walk into the cafeteria and seat on my normal seat waiting for Cael, he should really take these things serious. He's an alpha for Christ's sake, and as an alpha he should come and sit with his fellow wolves. Sometimes I wish he never came to join, he suddenly walks in with two girls on each hand and they are giggling, can he at least show a better example to the other wolves. He kisses both of them and slaps their ass before walking to us, when he seats down I give Hunter the go ahead.

He creates a mist that covers what ever we do, mortals can't see over pass it. They join the remaining tables and every one seats down as Dunn talks in his alpha tone.

'As at this morning most of you asked what had happened to me and the rest of royals, well. Sire Michal and Alpha Caelan had decided to run some tests on the new app that has run viral, as they had under gone this task it went wrong. The laptop in use sent a powerful force that sent both the Sire and Alpha to the ground in pain, when we got there Princess Ashier went to take a look at the laptop that has then caught fire but froze. It left a message that said something about taking this planet and a planet we all hold dear, the laptop had exploded in her face sending her flying and breaking her spine. That night we were all attacked by little children, they are not mortals but they are not supernatural either. They are shape shifters that have the only command to kill, we are hoping one of you should have an insight on this.'

He takes a seat and we wait for someone to speak up, then Tyler speaks up 'Alpha Dunn, there was a report on the news yesterday that a school bus filled with children had magically disappeared from their school.' He took his seat and every one was silent and that was when Mira asked 'Does anyone have the name and pictures of the students missing?'

A single girl with a shy appearance raises up her hand from here I know she's a warrior bear. 'Speak.' 'My cousin is in that school and he has a year book where he circled all their pictures.' Her voice was so low but was audible either way 'Do you think you can bring it this night, to the meeting grounds?' We can not continue this discussion here cause if we talk here then we never know if the person doing this is in this school. 'Yes, I can Princess Ashier.' that is when I get up and say 'We can not continue this meeting but everyone should meet at the meeting grounds this night by seven, no body should be followed. If you are new to all this and you do not know our meeting grounds, please meet Beta Alex to tell you and assign you to your guardians to enlighten you. If there is some thing you wish to tell us in private then meet us after this meeting, meeting dismissed.

They move the tables back and Hunter raised the mist, we finally sit down to eat and that is when Caelan gets up and walks away but Dunn stops him. 'Sit down'

He sits down and waits for Dunn to start 'Why did you come late, the announcement was sent and do not tell me you did not get it.'

'I was busy, and besides I still came.'

'You can not be acting like this, you are an alpha and you need to live up to it.'

'I live up to it just fine.'

'No you do not. You do not come early for meetings and if you come, you come with a girl in your hands or Mira has to call you from making out with a girl. You have never come for practice, and you always give the reason that just sounds stupid.'

'I'm sorry if I don't kiss your ass like the others.'

That just made me crack, it's one thing to be wrong it's another thing to say those who do the right thing are ass kissers.

'Watch your tongue Caelan.'

'What you gonna do about it, your manners will not allow you to retaliate so what. No wonder everyone thinks you are weak.'

At that I stood up and marched up to him, he looked up at me and said 'I see, you don't like it when some one talks about him. Why don't you go suck on his dick, that will cheer him up.'

At that I punched right across the face and said 'Talk like that again and the only thing coming out of your throat will be your blood, he was the one that allowed you to join if not you would have been dead. You should know two alphas can not run a pack.'

I walk out and go to my locker, I think I just lost my appetite. Thank God the bell just rang, don't have to worry about where to let off steam, I sit at my desk and lean on my locker to get a short nap. I hear the clicking of heels getting closer and stopping in front of me but I chose to ignore them, a loud bang hits my table and causes a splitting headache to erupt. I raise my head up to face them and lean back on my chair, hands folded.

'Why did you do that to Cael, you know he was only saying the truth.' I look at the two bimbos closely, their short skirts really don't cover much and there tops are so tight I'm sure it will fit my little cousin and she's ten.

'Look here, I don't care if he's dyeing. He was being an asshole and I'm sure he will need some comfort, so why don't you two run along and comfort him. If not them go sit down and get a life instead of following every boy you can open your legs for.' They walk away in embarrassment as the whole class watches and then Cael walks in, he glares at me and walks to his seat and I just roll my eyes at him. I slightly turn to the door and see Dunn walking with Mich and they call me over, I walk up to them and lean on the lockers.


'For what?'

'For what Cael said, I am deeply sorry the whole school had to hear that.'

'Don't apologize on his behalf, he's not worth it. He insulted all of us, our morals even. I just feel bad that I didn't do more, for all of us. At least we all know how he is.'

'You know we don't like it when you throw punches just cause you feel like.'

'I know Mich, it's just that he gets on my nerves and I can't hold myself. I really wanted to burn his head to ashes.'

Dunn hands me a chocolate bar and I take it 'Sorry you did not get to eat lunch, I know you did not eat breakfast.' 'Stop apologizing, thanks.'

We say our good byes and go back to class.

I get up from my bed and check the time, five-thirty. I am so grateful that Mr Harrison sent us home to get some rest, after calling us survivors of a zombie apocalypses. I went down to the kitchen and ate the Macaroni and Sause that Jonathan had made, I joined him to watch some comedy action movie. As he flipped through the channels after the movie, we came across a news channel that said an office building and two schools have been cleared of occupants. That at two today all of them just disappeared, the worst part was that it was our parents office that was named.

I didn't know when I dropped the plate, or when I started crying or when the rest of the gang came or when I passed out.

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