Waking Up to A Shock

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Things have been a stress for me but at least one good thing came out good from it, but not going to tell you.


Everything is so dark, who did I get here again. The last I remember is talking to the elder about something, can't really wrap my head around all he said. I decided to move around but everything still looked the same, I continued my search for a way out but each time I tried to move it was like something was holding me back.

I looked to my left and that was where I saw a small ball of light, I ran towards it but it was like I was crawling but that didn't stop me. As I went it was like I was being drained some how, it was like I was wounded but there was no blood just pain. I released a scream but I heard nothing, if this is how space is then I sure as hell don't want to go there.

When I got to the light I found out I was lying down on something, there was no sound so I think this is my room. Everything was a little dark and some rays of light danced with different colors on my eyes.

I tried to move my hand but a sudden pain shot through my body, most especially my hands and back. I opened my eyes and closed them back to adjust to the multi colors I was seeing, I sat up with the little strength I had and looked around. I was in the clinic, but how did I get here.

I stood up but stumbled before holding the bed for support, my head hurt, my legs were like jelly and several needles pricked under my feet as I stood up properly. I walked out the door but no one was there, I walked to the main hall but no one was there. I allowed my instincts to take over although it caused to hammering in my head to increase, I followed the distant voices and scents to the main hall.

I followed the back and opened the back door, the light was too bright and I went momentarily blind. When it cleared I saw everyone seated and facing the stage, Dunn was talking but I wasn't listening to him. I noticed the black and red haired girl sitting in my seat holding Caelan.

I looked down to see Kanzi beside me, I carried him up although my strength was very low. That was when I noticed three things, I was still in the clinic clothes, I had different tattoos on my skin and the tips of my hair are white.

I don't remember dyeing my hair white or getting tattoos, I carried Kanzi to my room and dropped him on the bed. I got into the shower and instantly felt strong again, it was something dragons where known for. Heat revives out body and brings our strength back.

I got out and went to the mirror to look at my body, sure I looked slimmer than usual but the tattoos where not me. The white hair I could manage but the tattoos, Caelan was the only one with tattoos now I do and they are like his. I turned to pick my towel when I got a glance at the tattoo at my back, I turned back and turned my neck to see a red colored dragon.

I walked out and carried some sweat pants and a tank top, it's not that I want to show of these tattoos . It's just that they still hurt and don't want any extra pain, I still felt uncomfortable with the tank top touching still touching my back.

I opened the door and walked back to the hall, the meetings always took really long. The people in charge of the food and farming (Agricultural students and some others), they always have one problem or the other with the way things are harvested. I walked to the front doors and leaned on them as I listen to Caelan talking on something, they all looked okay, nothing looked to bad.

I watched him as he used his hands to put more effort into what he was saying. During that time I had with Ashier we talked about how to tell him he was our mate and see if he will accept it, we struggled for who will say it but we finally agreed that I would do it.

I looked at Jonathan but his head was down, he looked sad but I can't blame him. I don't know how much time I spent with Ashier and I am sure the rest were worried, I mean they left me in the clinic.

Walk up to the stage.

No. Let's make a special entrance.

Since when do you talk like that?

Scince I spent time with Elder Agredan.

True, he really loves to make an entrance.

Do you have any idea why there are tattoos on me and half of my hair is white?

Agredan did say something about you awakening to some changes, saying we are the strongest and wisest. Not to forget the most sadistic.

You really like to call me sadistic, don't you?

Of course, as long as I say the truth.

I shock my head before looking at Jonathan when he looked up and saw me, his widened and I am sure he thinks he is seeing a ghost. 'Selma!!!' He ran from his seat and crashed into me, almost knocking me of my feet.

'You are awake, I though you will never wake up. Do you have any idea how sad I was, even Xavier was sad. He left yesterday, he even did everything but you didn't wake up.'

I pushed him back and cleaned his tears and patted his head, 'Come on, you know me well, I can't leave you here. Stop crying, if not you will chase all the beautiful girls away and tell me you didn't get layed?'

He gave me a slight punch and we both laughed. I held onto his shoulders and walked to the stage but I stopped when I saw a particular person clinging to Caelan and seating on my seat. What is she doing here, I thought she was with he parents. She even had this face that showed fear but of what, that was when I noticed Caelan hand on her waist.

This was unexpected.

I didn't answer Ashier but released Jonathans hand and gave him a smile, 'I think I will leave you all to the meeting, tell me what I've missed later.' He gave a nod and I sent a smile to everyone before going out, that was not how I expected my special entrance to go.

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