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Book's ending today and I want to cry, it means so much to me and I loved sharing it with you all.❤️❤️


Kalika held my shirt and pulled me back, I felt the flames lick at my feet. Something wrapped around my hand, Kanzi slithered away pulling me forward. I passed Kalika and kept moving, she glared at me and ran faster. I slowly got up and jumped up the vent, jumping from side to side.

I came to the surface and meet a different battle, the sounds crashing in on me.


I pushed off an Android and looked for my next target, I saw Sel holding her head and screaming. Her completion was pale and blue, she looked about ready to give up. I tried getting to her but every Android kept getting in the way. Kalika was about to strike her when a force pushed everyone away, I got up and she was burning a white flame. Every Android turned to dust and more kept coming, they piled on her  and struggled.

She threw them off and shouted "Jet to the warehouse and destroy the machine." To no one in particular but I got the message, I ran out of battle. Changing form I picked up pace, two wolves caught on and I knew.If we mess this up then we are done. I hope Mira can help Sel.

We ran through the city, slashing everything in sight and God. It felt good to freely use my animal. I ran head first into the ware house, breaking the door and knocking out some some androids. We got down to the car park and followed the under ground tunnel, we meet at Dunn's house.

I looked at him and he nodded, walked to the door and broke it down with his hind legs. He led the way and body slammed the basement door, charging in he chopped down on a guard. The rest of the army charged in, I ran in killing everything I didn't know or care about.

We had five minutes to do enough damage before this place blows up. Calean bumped me and nodded towards the machine, he turned and left the rest following. I walked out snapping my jaws at the androids, giving the rest time to run off.

This had better work. I turned and ran hearing the static sounds of the machine increase, I ran faster and faster. The bomb went off and the ground shook, I kept running and didn't look back.

I turned and looked back, everything was set ablaze for three blocks straight, I turned and ran back to the battle.

I saw a big circle and got closer, Kalika was in the middle. Her hair a crimson red with blood, her claws extended and ready. She stood face to face with Dunn as he circled round her, "You are a disgrace to your lineage, you have amounted to nothing but betrayal."

He didn't answer but I knew that struck a chord, he snapped at her and she growled back. Need help?
No, I will handle her.

He suddenly jumped on her and and pressed down on her neck, she lay lifeless. Her eyes staring at the sky with a ghostly look, Dunn began to choke.

He changed into human and coughed out blood, he held his throat and fell. Black lines gave way to his hands, I ran to him as did Mira.

I held his head up and looked at the rest of the army, "Where is Ashely?"

They looked around and mummured before something fell from the sky, Ashley couldn't get up and Sel came down. She knelt beside him and placed her hand on his chest and payed her head on them.

Calean ran in and so did the betas, Dunn stopped wheezing and sat up. Hunter started a victory cry and everyone joined in, I guess we are finally done. I lay on the grass and laughed. Mira rolled on me and laughed, Cal helped Ashely and she looked at Sel.

Walked to her and helped her up, she really looked beaten up. They nodded at each other and smiled, Ashley hugged her.

We got up and walked to the dragon kingdom, bumping ourselves playfully and laughing. Sel laughed but it sounded stressed, she smiled but it was strained. She tripped and fell, Cal caught her and smirked. She scoffed and pushed him, he rolled down the hill and she laughed before coughing.

We got to the village and when they saw us they cheered, this feels good. We paraded to the palace, and heard a great clap when we walked in.

Xavier came out with Jonathan and he hugged his sister, she held him and smiled. She closed  her eyes and swayed, she fell backwards.

She was rushed to the royal clinic and the door was closed, so much for a happy victory. The doctor came out after like an hour and told us she wanted to see us, we walked in and she looked worse. Worse than she has ever looked, it scares me.

She called Jonathan and Ashely, placed their hands together and  looked up, a purple light sparked and they jumped back. She looked at Calean and narrowed her eyes before calling him over. She hugged him and said something, she called us and we joined them. She ruffled Jonathan's hair and gave Dunn a paper.

She said good bye and closed her eyes, I heard Hunter shouting and Calean shaking her begging her to stop her pranks but the only thing that registered was that Selma is gone. I felt the tears slide and I walked out, I punched the wall repeatedly before sitting on the floor.

I cried and shouted, cursed the gods for taking her, she was the strongest and now what? Jonathan joined me and I couldn't look at him, I sighed and hit my head on the wall.

"She's in a better place, she wasn't meant to contain this much."

"You knew?"

"I thanked God for everyday she woke up and even more when Calean did what he did. She didn't have a stable heart."

He silently cried and got up, walked away and left me there.

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