Dreaming 3

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I sat on the burnt ground and watched the grass grow back, I still don't know how long I have been here but this is getting tiering. The training has been intense and the breaks are minimum, I am used to stress but this is in a whole different level.

I layed on the grass and tried to catch my breath, even Ashier was looking worn out. It is hard to hold yourself when you let your powers go, it's as good as stopping a tide with a boat. I rolled on my tummy and pressed my forehead into the grass, I wanted to see the others.

I faced Ashier and noticed her eyes changing colors, I always did that for fun. It is hard for people to just change eye color cause it's based on emotion, but I was always able to do it. It always sends a wave of shock through me as it changes, it has been long while since I did it.

'What of our mate?'

I dragged myself from my thoughts and looked at her, I have not really thought about him that much. Sure I planned on talking to him about it but I don't know if he will be happy about, he noticed but he didn't talk to me about it.

'I really don't know, I don't want to come out desperate.'

'Then let me, I know what to do. We came just sit and talk, besides that will be the first time I come out and talk.'

'This is the first time you even talk to me.'

'Well, I didn't want to scare the sadistic princess.'

'If I am sadistic then so are you, we are the same.'

'True, but I am more lenient side of us. When you want to make and angered decision, I'm the one to tell you other wise.'

'So you are the one who makes us think back. So this isn't the first time we talked.'

'Right, but first time seeing me like this. Besides you are very judgmental on others dressing.'

'Blame that on the elders, 'Ashier, you can not be wearing that, you will look like Marcy.''

We had a share of laughter and looked at the sky, this time I thought of him. He might not take things seriously all the time but I knew he was compassionate about a lot of things, what he loved he took serious.

He loved to help although he acts like he doesn't care, it got on my nerves but he always had something to say that made me calm down. I have never had a problem keeping my emotions for anyone other than my family and that was why I never dated, I was thought to not bring myself down and act desperate for someone.

I was getting desperate but my ego would never let me show it, I tried once to let go but it all went wrong. I gave him sarcastic remarks and bluntly told him his faults, I did it to Caelan but he only joked about it more.

I noticed he changed in those aspects, not all but it was a start. He to didn't show weakness and played everything as a joke, but he still reflected on it later. I don't know if its the mate bond but I think I may have something for him, it was growing but still there.

Staying here made me reflex on so many things, I missed my parents but if they didn't leave then I don't think I would have gotten stronger and smarter. I would have still took Caelan as a bad boy who only uses girls, Jonathan would have still not have accepted what he is and use it to help others.

He always wanted to help others and started with those being bullied, now he was helping everyone and I'm sure it gave him the peace that the disappearance of our parents brought took away from him. He always acted childish but this thing has changed him, he become mature and took responsibility for everyone. It breaks me to know that when this is all done then I'll leave him here alone.

'Stop thinking about those thoughts, just live in the moment and enjoy it.'

'Do you always have to always drag me out of my thoughts.'

'You always think, need to live.'

'Have you ever seen the Epilison planet?'

'No, they left before I was even born.'

I sat up and looked at my crossed legs, before standing up and releasing my aura. I moved my hands slowly as they caught fire, I changed the color of the flames. Red means burns all in sight, blue means to manipulate the flames to burn other flames and not burn certain things, purple means to slowly torture and keep alive at the same time. I have been trying to perfect the white, it is a healing flame but takes a lot out of me.

Even practicing can make you weak, I stood infront of the tree that we broke. Concentrating on the changing the flame I placed my hand on it, I could feel the pain and used that to concentrate. Sparks of white flame erupted from my hand and I tried harder, I could feel myself being drained but I refused to give up until I could no longer feel it's pain.

I leaned on it and looked to see not even a scratch, I faced Ashier but she looked shocked. I frowned as I looked at her but she just pointed up, I looked up and saw this big black dragon. When he came down a very thick mist surrounded him before showing a well dressed man with a blue theme, he was older than me but had this juvenile expression on his face.

If this was my mind then why was he here and how did he get in, I was about to ask but Ashier kept me back. She had a confused face but nothing showed fear. 'What are you doing here.'

'Queens, I am here to bring news. I am one of the elders on Epilison and I have come with great news. This might take long so shall we sit.' A table with three chairs appeared and we sat down, this had better be worth it. I want to rest.

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