A new trend

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Thanks to all my readers, you guys really give me the vide to keep writing. Please vote and comment, every vote counts. The above picture is Dunn.


Mich-There's this new app everyone is using now.

Selma-It makes everyone lazy, I ain't using it.

Me- That is a first.

Mich-What's a first.

Me-An app helps you get a lot of things off your mind and Selma is not using it? I am shocked.

Selma-All because I say I'm lazy doesn't mean I'm actually lazy.

Me-So, what is the name of the app. Let me search it.

Mira-Tamada, that's the name.

Mich-It's gone round the globe already, some teenager made it but no one knows who.

Mira- Is someone jealous cause someone made a better app than his?

Mich-No, it's just that the codes are unknown to me. They look out of this world, I can't even crack it.

Caelan- Do you guys always chat like this?

Selma- Yes.

Me-Okay, I just searched it and well I see nothing wrong with it. It is just a really good app with a lot of buyers, top in the world.

Caelan-I've heard of that app, it's very odd.

Me-Why are all of you having a problem with it?

Mich-Cause, it was made by a teenager that no one knows, no technology industry launched it, there wasn't an advertisement about it and it just came out of no where.

Me-That is scary.

Selma- Took you long to notice that.

' Don't tell me you all are using that Tamada app?', we all looked up from our phones at Mr Harrison who had just walked in with a pile of papers. 'Good afternoon Mr Harrison, and no. We are not using it.' He shock his head slowly at Selma's answer as he walked up to his desk, he adjusted his glasses before speaking 'So, since we all are not part of the Tamada app followers. Any one care to tell me why they are not using it, Michal? I know you to be a very good programmer, so tell us the flaws of this new app.' We just finished talking about this, and I know Mich is still doing his computer research on that app. It is quite disheartening when he feels sad, he really wanted his app to be the top and now it is second to the top. 'Well, the only problem is that it has no flaw. It's just perfect', Is that not meant to be a good thing. 'That is a good thing, a little to good , all man-made objects must have a flaw. It is just simple logic, we must all make mistakes. Why don't you all have it, is a group thing, because Michal's app is still there?' That was close to my reason but I only did not get it because I did not know about it and two because there is something weird about. The maker is unknown, no company to back it up and no adverts about it, no wonder I did not know about it. 'We all think there is something awfully wrong with the app and the maker. Nothing is perfect. Pardon me for asking but why do you ask?'

'Well, I just have my suspicions about it, everyone seems to be hooked on it. They just relay on it like it's their life. Anyways let's get to todays topic, let's try meditation.

'Selma, are we still going to get ice-cream. I am having a craving for it now.' 'Sure, let me just give my keys to Jonathan.' As I waited for her I saw this group of two friends walk by me, their eyes looked almost lifeless. That was odd. Selma walked back to the car with her bag hanging from one shoulder, she had this disgusted face on that made me laugh.


'What are you laughing about?' 'What happened in there, you have this funny face on.' I got in his car and he got in after me 'I saw Caelan kissing Julia Springs.', all of a sudden he started laughing 'Why you laughing? I thought you hated that girl.' He stopped laughing and wiped a tear from his eyes' It is only you I told who I hate so I expect you to keep it a secret, it against royal rules to hate a person. Also, you know better than anyone that since Caelan came, he can't be seen without a girl. Unless it is during lunch or during our after school class, the girls can not just get enough of him. he's also trying to keep his bad boy reputation.' He faced me with a smirk and I rolled my eyes, I know it's true but it's just disgusting.

'I will pay this time, no arguments.'

'Let's just split it.'

'I just said no arguments.'

'But next time I'm paying.'


Dunn payed the waitress who was shamelessly flirting with him, it's either he hasn't noticed or he just chooses to ignore her. I just laughed at her failure to impress him, he really is hard to impress but I won't stop girls from trying. We walked out of the ice-cream joint before Rose Springs walked up to us with her lips cured to a smile, I think she's the one who introduced her sister into bimbo business. Her and her sister are the school's hottest bimbos, I think it runs in the family. She placed her hands on Dunn's chest and pressed closer to him 'Dunn', he looked down at her with a bored expression 'Yes Rose, what do you want?' 'I'm having a party tomorrow, and I'll like it if you came.' She dragged her long nails along his jaw and pouted her lips, bashing her long lashes at him. I can already feel Dunn's irritation growing by the second, he slowly pushed her off him and said 'Sorry, I have plans with Mich tomorrow night.' He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the car and banged his car door in frustration ' Someone looks like he just lost a fight.', 'That girl is irritating, why are girls so like this. Always flirting with men, even the princess do it. Why?'

I felt really bad for him, he hates it but he can't show it. Being a royal is really a pain, you can't show anything other than poise and grace. He sobbed quietly and rested his head on the head rest, I couldn't say anything, I didn't know what to say. We sat down in silence for a few seconds before he said 'It is getting, we better go', I nodded my head in agreement and he drove out of the parking lot. He had always treated me like a little sister and him my older brother, we spent a lot of time together. We tell each other secrets and he even got me a ruby bracelet to limit my dragon powers, and I got him a silver one to do the same.

What are you thinking of?

It's been long since we used that mind link of ours, it really brings peace to hear their voices in my head. Don't take it the wrong way.

Just feeling bad.

About what?

About you, I just feel bad cause I can't help you when you were trained to be a royal.

Do not feel bad for me, it is blessing and a curse. But I have learnt to leave with it, even do I may feel frustrated sometimes. I can still live with it.

Why do you act like this?

Like what?

You always act strong even when you are sure there is no way out.

That is because there is always a way to go about things.

'Well, we are at your house. Good night my little bundle of trouble.'

'You know I hate that name.'

'And that is why I use it.

'Good night.' It really was a good night, tonight. Now of to do homework.

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