Dreaming 2

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All those who read my books I am so happy, sorry I couldn't update yesterday. I went for a wedding then after party and danced with a bunch of drunk twenty year old men, awesome wedding.[P.S: I'm only fourteen.]


'So how long have I been here?'

'Not that long, you will soon go.'

She stretched forth her hand and I just stared at it, if she is my dragon then she should know I hate gestures like this. She rolled her eyes and took hold of my hand before we found ourselves at the castle library, as I was having a class.

King Racul walked in and dismissed my class before walking in with a girl my age, she looked pretty I must agree and the red hair really brought out her the black in her eyes. She stood beside the king looking happy, I gave her a small smile before facing my uncle.

Ashier, this is Mal. She will be training with you from now on, she is your second cousin so you both should get along.

Yes, uncle.

'Remember that day, you were so happy to find out you weren't the only girl there. Someone to talk to that will understand.'

'How could I forget, it was the only day I have regretted. And will always regret, she was not who I expected.'

We went to the halls where my uncle's precious vase was, Mal was running in the halls as I was walking with Xavier and telling him about my day. She ran up to us and pushed me into the vase, it broke and I sustained some injuries.

Uncle Racul came to the hall and saw the broken vase, I stood up and dusted my skirt before holding my injured arm.

How did this happen?

It's Ashier, she was running in the halls.

I faced Mal but Xavier also agreed, I was shocked before looking at my uncle to tell him the truth but he didn't want to hear it. I spent the rest of my time in my room reading and thinking, not even once did Xavier come to see me and check if I was okay.

I still don't know what happened to him that day but I forgot about it, I always trusted him and I still do. What ever he did he did it for a reason, what ever reason I will not judge. My loyalty lies with the royals and will for ever be, there were many things they didn't tell me but I learnt from experience.

We went to the training grounds and I saw how I battled with Mal, the bored face I had was a contrast to Mal's determined face. In combat she always found it difficult to beat me, same as studies and other intellect parts. She was always good in manipulation and deceit, in making everyone look bad.

I twirled her sword before throwing it out of her hand and pointing mine at her chest, I lowered it down as the general walked up to us. I was always praised for my hard work and sometimes scolded for the wrong doings I never do.

He instructed us to shift and I looked to my dragon, she had a sad expression I knew why. I faced back and watched as I shifted into my dragon, the red and black scales shined in the sun and my red eyes watching everything.

Mal's dragon was smaller than mine, white. It was a training course we were meant to finish before finally resting for the day, I had planned to finish early so I could rest and have a good nap. I stood at the start and when the signal was given I was off, royals are not big dragons. We are mostly slim and fit and it is a very big advantage, my slim nature allowed me to easily turn, spin and dodge all obstacles.

I was so engrossed in finishing that I didn't notice Mal's tail that had hit me, I crossed the finish line but I was in so much pain. I rolled and finally hit the wall before stopping, I knew if I changed back I'll be nude so I kept my form.

I howled and groaned but everyone refused to come near, everyone that tried was either thrown a way by my tail. Xavier finally came with a blanket and I stopped my moving the best I could, I shifted as he covered and carried me to my room.

That day I had a cracked spine and dislocated hand, that day was the full moon and me and Xavier spent it in pain. Those were not the only injuries I got, Uncle found out later and sent her away. I haven't heard of her since then and I don't ever want to, she was always looking for something to blame on me or inflict pain on me.

Once I wanted to get back at her but my principals of family will not allow, but I will make sure not to keep my guard down when ever she is around. We went to a garden I don't know but I was to angry to ask about it.

I sat on the grass and looked at my dragon, she had a small smile as she walked around the trees. 'We have seen all the memories but we still need to train, we need to be stronger. We have been able to hold our aura in for so long, now we will learn to use it at maximum. The battle ahead will not be easy, the others are already changing. We to need to change, the power we have will not be enough.'

I have only used up to half in the past but never fully, Uncle always said if I feel like losing control them I should imagine a jar and put my anger in. We do not show strength as a way to get respect, only to send enemies away.

I snapped out of my thoughts as a big arena stands instead of the garden, my dragon stood at the other end with training clothes. 'Let everything out and come at me, when you are ready.', a wave of power passed me as she stood with a very dark aura around her.

I imagined the bottle in my mind and let it spill over, the feeling of weightlessness took over. Everything moved in a normal motion as every thing looked clearer. This is the best feeling in the world.

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