Dreaming [1]

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Why is every where dark, I hate jokes like this. If this is a joke then who ever is doing this should stop, I want to go back.

'Do you really want to go back?'

'Who is there? If this is a joke then stop.'

'Do you really want to go back to that life you had, no happiness, constant alertness?'

'I did not ask for your sympathy, now stop this nonsense if not I'll rip your throat out.'

'Sure, the crowned princess of the dragons. Known for her kindness, calm nature, sadistic ways with a bad temper.'

As she talked I followed the voice that took me to a room that looked very familiar, there I saw a very familiar glass statue of a blue dragon. I had got that specially made for Xavier as a good by gift, he was going to University and I just wanted to give him a gift to remember him by.

'It seems you remember, that is good.'

'I looked to the side and saw a girl that looks my age, she wore a black strap gown that looks to reveling and her wings were like butterfly wings. She gave me a smile and rested her hand on my shoulder, she gave me a peck and looked forward.

'I am sorry to bring you here but we had to, I am your dragon but I prefer to be called an assistant. I have been following you for a long time and I would like to bring back certain memories.'

'Why, I need to go back and help. I can't leave my responsibilities.'

'That was why I chose to be dragons, very responsible and dedicated. Don't worry, the rest will take care of everything. We need to look back at all this to show you where you came from, we are strong but all these things have made us soft.'

A younger version of Xavier and I came into the room, I was on his back and we were laughing. Then we were close and very fond of each other but that was a long time ago, time had separated us.

Sel, I got you your favorite. Twix.

He sat me down on the bed and opened his drawer and handed me a candy bar before setting me on his lap, he played with my hair as I ate happily.

Avier, can I ask you a question?


What does a princess do?

I remembered the way he looked at me and kissed my head before answering, he looked calm as he said it and then I though of it as the best answer I could have gotten.

A princess is a beautiful girl, with a lot of responsibilities. Her people are to love and respect her as she does the same, she must be strict with criminals and those who can not do there work well. At all costs she must carry herself with pride and not bring herself to everyone's level, she must be able to feel others pain.

He said all these things and repeatedly kissed my neck repeatedly, before trailing kisses to my head. That time was so calm, he never allowed me to feel sad. Everything faded into a stone room and I saw my dragon sitting at an open window, I looked through the window and saw a beautiful land with grown trees.

She took my hand and everything melted into the training yard in the castle, it looked as new as ever and the sun was hotter than usual. I saw my young self fighting with swords, this was the day I was given my sword. It was so heavy then and General Ryle was being a total ass.

Princess you need to be swift, don't think just swing.

Easy for you to say, you have done this half your life time.

Each time I tried to get at least a swing at him he will just block it, I was really frustrated and just wanted to give up but Xavier was standing at the terrace watching. He told me giving up was for cowards and losers but I'm not a loser, any competition is an enemy.

That day I beat the General and got a big cake as a reward along with his sword, that day was the day I learnt giving up was for losers and every competition is an enemy and an enemy is a threat.

'That was the day we learnt to be resilient, to think about who we care about and use that as a reason to keep pushing. We always looked up to Xavier and he was the one to push us forward.'

Everything faded into the halls in the castle, it was the blood moon. I was on my way to Xavier rooms, the skirt I wore was a disturbance but I couldn't change it. According to the elders, this was how a royal was to dress. Those elders made sure I was trained to their perfection and it made me so angry, they trained me and Xavier without mercy and it was a problem.

I had not seen him for a whole week and I had just finished my lesson on dragons, as I walked into his chambers as they said my full name. I saw the room in darkness and walked up to his bed, it was scattered and he kept turning and groaning in pain.

I knelt beside him and felt his temperature, he was burning up and I was scared. I carried him with all difficulty and kept him in the tub, I ran the cold bath on him and his tensed muscles relaxed. I touched my face and noticed I was crying along side my young self, that time really scared me.

I opened all the windows and carried him out of the bathroom, I toweled his body and changed his briefs. I knew if someone walked in at that moment then I'll be in trouble but I didn't care. He was in pain and it pained me to see him like this, I layed him on my thighs and fanned him to calm him down.

Xavier, tell me what is wrong with you. I'm scared. Is it dragon fever, let me call the doctor.

I tried to get up but he held me down and snuggled into me, I placed a cold towel on his head and continuously fanned him. He slept as I watched him, each turn kept me alert and each groan of pain sent a wave of fear through me.

In the morning I went to look for the maid that was meant to serve him dinner and gave her my first punishment, that was the day I became sadistic and cruel. I got the love, respect and fear of my people and I have never regretted it.

That was the day I learnt what heat was and promised myself that I make sure non of my loved ones will be hurt as long as I know about it, I plan to keep that promise to the day I die. Even if the person is very close to me, the person will have to slowest, pain-filled death.

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