Fights and Betrayal

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So, how do you all like my book? Not the best right, at least I try. Still tell me if you see any loop holes and I appreciate criticizing, if you want don't make it nice.


Watching the waves roll on the rocks always gives me a sense of peace, not because I am a dragon shifter but because it holds a meaning to me. The way the waves moves shows it struggles but the struggles bring out the beauty in it, if it didn't move it will not be beautiful. Coming here has been a help in this whole situation, it helps me think and keep a calm mind.

After what Jonathan and the rest told me I just needed some alone time, Ashier hasn't even talked about it so she to must be shocked. Xavier really brought Ashley to take my place, not that what he did was bad but he brought someone who mad almost a whole year a pain for me. Even Caelan believed the bullshit she told him, this brings me back to why I came here.

Turns out he has picked her as a mate, I really thought I was his mate. I felt it and I still feel it, maybe it was just a rumour going around. I can not believe that and I won't unless he says so himself, he hasn't even talked to me so my confidence is slowly decreasing. I happen to here all the insults he threw at my sleeping state but I can't find it in me to be angry at him, just sad and disappointed.

I looked at my hands and followed the outline of each tattoo, I still don't know what it's for but I hope it goes soon. I have never liked marks on my skin and this one isn't just a small rose on a covered area, it covers like a cloth and is very open. If I were to hid it then I'll be wearing long sleeve shirts and sweaters, which I hate and the heat is unbearable this time of year.

I dusted my sweats and walked back to the underground housing, I haven't really thought of a name for it but anything goes. I climbed down the ladder and ran to the main area before anyone could notice, the rest don't really enjoy the idea of coming to the surface. Especially Dunn, it's like he fears something that isn't there.

I walked to the cafeteria and sat down with the rest, to talk. Dinner really should hurry up, I don't want to watch Ashley flirting shamelessly.

'You haven't told us what happened in that long sleep of yours.'

'What if I told you it was a dreamless sleep?'

'That is impossible, you always have a dreamful sleep.'

I was about to narrate the dream when someone or two people sat down, I had already felt their presence but I chose to ignore and continue. 'I actually was kept in the dark, and this annoying voice kept on disturbing until I got to this dormitory in the dream. That was how I found out who it was, I was actually in my memories and I was talking to my dragon.'

'She was normal until we where done going through our memories, she then trained me 'raise my level'. It was fun training with her but not as fun as with you guys, I missed you all so much. I though I will never leave.'

Jonathan dropped my food and sat beside me, I wrapped my hand over his shoulder and ruffled his hair. I looked at Ashley and noticed when the corners of her lips lifted before holding on to Caelan, I faced my food and listened to Dunn and Mich as they told of the rest that Jonathan had left out.

Someone's leg kept hitting me and I tried my best to not show it, I knew who it was and I didn't feel the need to face her now. She then stepped directly on my toes and that was when I snapped, I gave her a glare before leaving my food and leaving. She came do all she likes but she's not going to get the reaction she wishes. 'Selma!'

I turned around to face him but my anger just increased as I saw her latched onto him, I straightened my back and kept my face neutral before they reached me. The rest of the table came but I had no change of face, I thinks it's about time we talk.


'What was that for?'

'You may ask the girl beside, I have done nothing wrong.'

'You still expect me to believe that.'

I faced her and I now understood, 'You told him the same lie you told the court. 'She was about to say something but he just pushed behind him.

'If anyone was lying it was you. You really only care for yourself, that is why you treat her the way you do. You even made everyone believe the story you made up.'

'That I made up or the one she made up, I really expected you to have the intelligence to now when someone lies to your face. But you proved me wrong and believed a person like her.'

I didn't want to continue this and start an argument with him but the grip on my hand didn't let me, Ashier was threatening to come out but I knew better than to let her out. 'Let go of my hand.'

'Somehow I expected this from you but I thought you will be reasonable and at least say a form of apology but you were always to bitchy to do that. You really are heartless.'

I stood up to face him and set the most calm face that I could muster with the bottle breaking in me, I will soon lose control and that will be it.

'Heartless is really a strong word for you to use on me, if anyone was heartless it was her and now you are part. You said I should apologize then so be it, Ashley. I am going to say that you can go rot in hell for all I care, forgiveness in a virtue that we both know I had until you broke my tail wing and fractured my bones.' I yanked my hand out of his grip and walked away but stopped.

'Selma, I Caelan Vic disown you as a mate.'

I faced him and noticed the way everyone else stood shocked before shaking my head and walking to my room. If I say that didn't hurt a lot then I am lying, it hurt more than the smile I saw on her face. She knew those broken bones disabled my fight and up till now I still wobble but that never stopped her from doing others.

I refuse to cry for something as petty as this, all I need to do is not let this get to me I have a lot more to think about.

You really should have let me I would have thought her a lesson.

And give her the more reason to make me look like the bad guy, we didn't do it before and we won't do it ever.

You really are to smart for your age, and I am five centuries old.

You really are old.

But we are strong and not going to cry because one man decides to be blest and throws it away to carry a curse.

You have weird ways of saying things.

As long as I am happy with my friends, Ashier and Kanzi I can get past this. I picked up my dog and carried my phone before dialing Xavier, he may as well know I am awake. Still bothers me how I slept for weeks.

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