Fighting Feelings

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When I came here I thought it will be like those sci-fie movies, where they wear ugly jump suits and eat nasty food. But Selma really has a thing for comfortable living, I am sure she brought all the clothes in her boutique so no one feels caged. She may deny it but she really cares a lot and she proved it when she went back for that little girl, she knew Hunter's flame was the only flame that could kill her but she still went back.

The doctor said she will be okay although it will take her time to heal her various second degree burns, Dunn is pissed that she went back and even more angry cause the girl refuses to leave Selma's side. 'Why did you go back?' She woke up a few minutes ago and Dunn just ran in even though I still held him back, 'I had to go back for this little girl.'

'You know better than any one that that was a stupid thing to do.'

'Are you saying what I did was stupid, saving a homeless orphan was stupid.'

'You could have died, all for just one girl. That was the most unreasonable thing to do, you forgot your group and sent your partner out.'

'Now you are calling me unreasonable, we are meant to help them. I still came out, but she could not come out even if she tried. You are being heartless.'

'Really, heartless. I am trying to keep all of us safe, don't you care for your life or at least the live of those under you.'

'Why do you think I sent Hunter out, I don't care for my life. I only care for those around me.'

She got up and winced in pain before smiling at the little and carried her out of the room but Dunn stopped her, 'Where are you going, you are still weak.' Her eyes turned completely white and shoot a death glare at him but he didn't even look fazed, 'Don't. Call. Me. Weak. You are not my parent to tell what to do!'

He gave her that stare that left most super naturals in fear but it only affected the little girl 'I promised Daniella that I will keep you safe.' 'Don't bring my sister in this matter, you are being unreasonable and heartless. I can take of myself just fine and I don't need an ego minded alpha on my back.'

She pushed him and walked away but he ran at her and they tumbled down the stairs, I carried the crying girl and ran after them. Dunn never does that and I just remembered that none of us have taken our meds since four weeks ago.

When I got down I saw the Alex holding Dunn down while Selma layed on the floor unconscious in her own blood. The little girl ran to her and that was when I ran to her figure, all her wounds were open and there were new one, I looked at Dunn and saw that he still had that hard expression. He shoved Alex away and walked away 'Alex take Selma to the doctor, I ran after Dunn and meet him at the top.

'Are you mad, you almost killed her.'

'She deserved it.'

'What happened to you, you've changed. You knew she was weak, you know she is sensitive about her sister and you very well know what she did was the right thing!' His face turned soft but I was angry, and some one had to put him right even though one of us got hurt while doing it.

'Could you for once look at things her way, she always did what you told her! Now you went and attacked her at her weakest moment, I don't even know you any more! Her sister trusted you to keep her safe but you called her stupid and unreasonable even when you know she is not like that!'

I feel weak, my head is spinning. I walked to my room and layed there, I heard him call me but I was to weak to answer.

I woke up and went to my self to get painkillers for my headache before going to see Selma. When I got in she was petting the little girls head as she slept, I walked up to her and sat on the chair beside her bed. 'Hey.' She looks like she just got hit by a car and it breaks me to see her this weak, even when her parents where taken she didn't really look weak, even when she cried she was still strong.

What Dunn did to her was nasty and unlike him, it was like he was possessed, 'Do you think what I did was stupid, is that why he got so angry. I know I did wrong when I pushed him and when I called him heartless, but did I do any other thing. He really looked angry at me and it scared me, he has never hit and I feel I did something to upset him. Maybe he still thinks it's my fault that she died, I should have died instead of her. Or is because of the fight last week that we still fight about, those he hate me now or we lost what we had before then. He's right I am weak, I can't even sit up without help.'

I wiped the tears that fell from her eyes when I heard Mira and turned to face her as she said, 'You are not weak, you are the strongest person I know. You went back for a girl even though you knew you could have died, you built this whole place for others when most people would only care about themselves, you didn't break down when you're sister died, you stayed strong for Jonathan, you stood for a girl you don't even know, you came back from the court when you knew you could be safe there and you are still alive after what happened this morning. If you say you are not strong then I don't know what is strong.'

She knelt down beside her and carefully held her hand and Jonathan came in and held his sister 'If there was one person I could tell anything, or some one I could rely on it is you and that will never change.' We sat like this for a while in silence until Cael came lighten the mode, it was like old times but Dunn wasn't here and I feel he is hiding something.

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