Out With The Hideout

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So I was thinking of doing a sequel for this book, but me being in school might not allow that, give me advice on this. Enjoy the new chapter.


It has been a few days since the incident and things are going as normal as the situation may go, I had to convince the rest that I was alright. But to say the truth I was only close to okay, it still hurt and I still think of it. But today is going to be me and Hunter, we plan on going to find Kalika's hide out. She has a large army and the equipment to turn humans into those things is really big, so we plan on going broader.

We could have carried the others but it has to be a silent job, not to attract attention to ourselves. That is the main reason we are not carrying those battle suits, just plain clothes, weapons and our fists. Lets just hope that things don't take a sudden turn cause we are just winging it.

I sat on his bed and carefully slide two daggers into the side of my boots, claws work well but I prefer to use weapons. Besides I just need a reason to try out my new dagger, Xavier came by to check on me and gave it to me. According to him my hand coordination is not stable, his words not mine.

I got up and stretched before a pair of hand wrapped around me and something rested their head on my shoulders, I petted his head before turning around. He held on tighter and swayed us from side to side.

'Tell me how you feel?'

'I feel great.'

'You can tell that crap to anyone but you I won't believe that.

'I am serious, I'm okay. You don't see me crying like a depressed diva queen.'

'Because you never do that, you never show pain even when it is clearly written on your face. You are not one to cry but to think it over and over until you find a reason as to why it happened, you start looking for ways to forget and move on. But you are hurting, you're hurting you self baby and it is hurting me. I didn't say anything infront of the others cause you hate pity but just know you can talk to me. I am you second and your best friend, hell I am even your brother. Well the elder brother because you are still small, but still.'

I gave him a punch while he laughed and ruffled my hair, he kissed my head before handing me my Katanas and carrying his. We have identical swords, not because we share them but because we bought two pairs for ourselves. We have always gotten everything that relates to fighting with each other, the same blades, daggers, bows and arrows.

We walked out of his room and went to the kitchen, I kinda missed breakfast cause of somethings. I carried the box of cup cake and sat down at the table, Hunter passed me a cup of coffee before setting the map on the table.

'We are going to start from the school, it's a big place and then all the malls and supermarkets.'

'We also have to check that channel office, and all the industries. If she is rebuilding like they say then we definitely have to check the building industry.'

We have to be back before dark to avoid difficulties, and write out the places we have checked and not checked.'

He made a list as I finished the coffee and washed the cup, I dried my hand and went to see what I could add. If we are going to find this hideout then it should be fast, we can not have another ambush. Just as I got to Hunter Caelan walked in, we haven't talked since then and I don't plan on being the first to start a conversation.

Hunter held my hand but was still writing, I pointed to some places and tried to ignore him as possible. I folded the map and dropped it before looking at the list, 'Where are you guys going?' Sometimes life can do the opposite of what you want, but you just have to go with it. I put on my most neutral face and turned around, 'We are going to look for Kalika's hideout.'

We went through the main door and closed the hatch, we walked through the forest in silence but I knew Hunter wanted to say something. Kanakzi. I watched how a thick black smoke appeared and formed into a black python with purple eyes, it coiled around me before changing back to a puppy but still keeping the color of it's eyes.

We got to the back yard of my house and jumped over the fence before passing through the back door and going through the front, I ignored the feeling of sadness and continued our search. Mum and dad will be proud if I still kept this world for Jonathan to live in and not wallow in sadness and grief for what will never come back.


We have checked almost every place on our list and still no hideout, she may as well come and hide Jonathan's Shisha sticks cause she is good. At the moment we went to check on the new building that she was working on and saw that it was almost done, we saw some files but we didn't have time to read them so we just carried them.

'Since she knows so much about us then she must know somewhere that she knows we will never check, like never ever.'

'I know I would never check my house cause I would have known.'

'Then maybe the other's houses, we haven't really gone to our houses in a long time.'

'You have a point, where should we start from?'

'So it has to be a big house and the only houses that fit that description are the houses of all the leaders, if it is one of them then she thought this plan through.'

'Lets split up if we can cover more ground, if we see anything then we call the other.' We agreed and separated to different houses, up until now we have not used our instincts but now we have to. It will be dark soon and all the houses need to be checked, I ran from room to room still trying to maintain that sense of quiet.

I was on my fourth house on the last room when I heard Hunters voice, Baby, you really need to come to Dunn's house and see this, I'm at the basement. Hop like a bunny and come. If there is one thing I know about that boy is that when he is serious he calls me baby and uses weird sentences to pass his message across. I slowly opened the door and ran down to the basement, I checked the doors that I new until I got to one that had stairs.

If I remember correctly this door is always locked when I come over, I followed the dark path and held on to Kanzi tighter. He had gone to sleep a while ago and I didn't want to wake him, I saw a bright light and followed it but something caught me and closed my mouth. I had my dagger out but that was when I saw Hunters face.

What I saw and heard was what I wish to have never heard, I just wished this whole thing hadn't happened. Maybe I won't feel as broken as I am right now, maybe I would not have had the mental shut down I was going through. Maybe Hunter didn't have to carry me cause I was too shocked to move from my position.

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