Researching the new app

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Sorry I was not able to update, it's just that I had exams to write and everything just came crashing down my whole schedule. Thanks for waiting, Mich's pic up.

Unknown person

'They all seem to have suspicions with your app, they can catch up to us. You know they can be very ruthless when angry, especially that Selma girl.'

'Then get rid of her.'

'Dunn is really close to her and there is no time when she's alone.'

'Then keep them from knowing the truth, and if they know them lead them astray. My plan can't go to waste, I've waited a century for this. Some teenage royals can't spoil my plan, this planet and their beloved planet must fall under my feet.'


A flawless app has never been made, and I'm going to prove. There is no way that app is better than mine, call it jealousy but I will not accept second place. I worked my ass off for that app, and some guy just comes and takes my first place. Unacceptable.

I called Cael to come cause he is interested in computer stuff so why not allow him watch a god at work. I set my laptop on my thighs and pick up my phone to open the algorithm code 'So, what are you going to do with the app?', 'Well, I'm actually going to scan it's code and see what I can find. I hope it doesn't take long thought, we are meant to join the others for training.'

I scan it on my laptop while Cael lies on his tummy and munches on a packet of Oreos, 'I don't think I'm going today.'

'Care to give reason.'

'Just don't feel like practicing with you guys and besides I have a booty call with Anna Macana.'

'Is it that girl that you brought to table yesterday?'

'Yeah, she has a nice ass.'

'Ha, don't just get STDs. But Dunn won't find it funny, you haven't even come once. How do you expect to master and maximize your powers, when was the last time you let your wolf free?'

'Last week, don't worry about me. I can practice on my own and besides I can handle my self.'

He lit a cigarettes and took a few puffs 'Dude no smoking in my room, you'll make the smoke detector go off.' He continues and I shake my head in defeat, nothing is wrong with the app. Only that it's algorithm and coding is out of this world, I'm going to need a few months to understand and crack it. This person is really good, I'll give him that credit. 'Did you get anything?' 'Nope.'

'Here pass it to me, let me hack it. I'm sure we'll be able to get some thing out of it.' I hand it over to him while he passes his cigarettes, I take a few drags and instantly relax. 'You never told me you smoke.'

'I try not to, Dunn is my friend and he doesn't like so, I try to reduce it. I normally only smoke with Colten but now, with you also.' 'Is it Colten West, the guy that just came back from juvie?'

'Yeah.' His hands swiftly move on the key board and all of a sudden, something like electric current passes though us and sends us flying in opposite directions, while the laptop lands on the floor by the door. I try to get up but a surge off pain goes through my body, I turn to see the damage on my laptop and see it slowly being engulf in a silver liquid. Even I know that that is not meant to happen, I look over at Cael and see him slowly and painfully getting up. Only to fall back and groan in pain, our fast healing don't seem to kick in and the more we stay like this the more the pain. At this point my laptop is on fire but its not burning, I really need to call the others.

Can you guys come to my house right now.

Mich it's time for training

Me and Cael are in a lot of pain, come now.

We are on our way do not move.

I face Cael and see him with his eyes closed and breathing deeply with a pained expression, I face the fire to see that it has just froze like ice. The red glow of the flame is still there but the room just dropped below zero degrees, I feel numb and Cael's teeth are chattering. The cold seems to intensify from the flames and a blanket off ice crawls towards us from it, everything stopped. It was like time had stopped and reversed to the flames that has now turned black, a white writing sat on it but I couldn't read it.

Dunn rushed into my room and came to my side and tried to help me up but I winced in pain, he laid me on my bed an covered me in blankets and that was when he asked what happened. Cael told him everything as Mira attended to him but I didn't take my eyes off the black flame as Dunn removed my black metallic earing and I can slowly feel the healing starting.

I point to the flame and Selma slowly walks up to it, 'YOU CAN NOT STOP MY PLAN FROM HAPPENING I HAVE WAITED FAR TO LONG FOR THIS YOU CAN NOT SAVE THIS PLANET AND THE PLANET YOU HOLD DEAR' She looked at all us and then it exploded in her face sending her to hit the base of my bed with a loud bang and the sound of bones cracking. She laid there as we all rushed to her, she didn't even move as she laid there, Dunn carried her in his arms and said 'I think we should all go home and rest, Mira take Caelan to his house. No one should make this suspicious.' With that he walked out and the rest followed, at least one good thing came out of all this pain and mystery. I am getting a new laptop.

I don't know what time it is but all I know is that I can't sleep, I can't shake the feeling that something is here, its really close. I open my eyes to see a silver spear come at me but I dodge it and see a little girl there without an arm, it grows back and she pushes me with such force a girl her age will not have. Both her hands turn to swords and she comes at me, swinging them in all directions. I dodge some and others I am not so lucky, I finally land a kick to her head and quickly remove my earing. I can fell my eyes turn narrow and I can see clearly, I can feel my claws sharpen and ready to strike. I go at her with all force, landing punches and kicks but she just heals instantly. She takes advantage of my shock and hits me across my jaw and I instantly know its broken, she jumps on me and repeatedly punches my face till there's blood on her fists. I don't know if it's her blood or mine but all I know is that I'm weak, in pain, and I'm going to lose. She gets up and holds me by my neck in a strong hold, I need to get out of this. What to do, what to do. I wrap my legs around her head and lean backwards with all my strength and we both fall over, I get up and shove my hand into her chest and bring out a silver heart. She turns to ashes and it the heart turns black in my hand and weakens me, I drop it and lay on my back and fall into a dreamless sleep.

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