Truth is out

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By this Friday I will be in school cause I'm a prefect and I need to be in school before the new students so I plan on finishing this book before then and when I come back I will write the sequel. Because of you guys I am going to write any chance I get to finish, I hate when writers don't complete their books so I am not going to do the same thing with you all. So lets start.


I did not really want Selma to look for the hideout and find out what I did, I stopped I still regret it. She has been put under stress since she woke up and this is just going to add to it. I do not know where the hideout is cause mother and father never told me, all they told me was to get close to the friends I have now. When they disappeared I was heart broken until Kalika told me about it, I really did not want to help but she told me to help unless she will tell everyone I helped her.

That will be in a way true, I always tell her what we all do and that gave her all she needed to give targets to each of us. I have not seen either of my parents since it happened but I am sure they are gone, she must have used them for the experiment.

That is the second reason why I do not want Selma or Hunter to go, she will use them for a new experiment and there will be no reverse button.

'Calm down Dunn, they can handle them selves. Give them credit, they're a force to reckon with. You have seen the way they act, no. Mercy'

'That is what I am afraid of.'

'They will be back so, just keep your mind on the plans here. Charles and Caelan will be here soon.'

I sat beside Alex and went through all our battle strategies, if killing my sister is what I need to do then I will do it. After that I will tell the rest and leave the group, that will be better for all of us. The rest came and sat down at the table but then the door crashed open and Selma furiously walked in, I could here Hunter screaming in the background for her to think first but it looked like she gave him no heed.

She grabbed me by the neck and dragged me some where, the amount of pressure on my neck blurred my vision and when she threw me it was then that I noticed that we were out in the woods. What ever made her this angry, could she have heard something. I looked at her face and saw the black tears that streamed down her face, she never cries for no good reason so she must know already.

'How could you? We have been friends for a long time, I took you as a big brother.'

'I can explain.'

'Explain what? That you lied to all of us and just betrayed us, you told us you where an only child and then what? Stay with us to now what we are doing.'

I could hear everyone in the background asking questions but I could not look at anyone, this was not how I wanted this to come out.

'You were to one that told her where we where, you were the one we heard in that secret room. You used that royalty and polished bullshit so we won't give a hint of what you were doing.'

They heard me, I thought no one was there. They kept it from me, they already started to suspect me then. She got hold of collar and held me up to my feet before giving me a punch that sent me flying to the nearest tree.

'You knew I could not do anything to you because we are friends and you used that to your advantage, that time you beat me up for going back for Stella. You knew what she had and you wanted me to leave her for that mad girl to carry to do away with.'

'That's not true, I was doing it for you to not get hurt.'

'Stop lying to me, you of all people now I hate it.' She gave me several punches but I know I deserved each one for keeping this a secret from all of them, Hunter tried to stop her but it was all futile. When she is angry and can't do much about it this is how she takes it out.

She sat on the floor and just cried, I really wanted to help her but that will just make matters worse. I could hear someone coming and Hunter saying something to her, she immediately got up and faced the person.

'Don't take one step closer or I will ripe your head off.'

I know she wasn't talking to me but I could still hear the death sentence she was giving the person, her aura had changed and it was nothing but deadly. Another set of steps came running and stopped infront of the other.

'You can't talk to my mate that way.'

'Mal you watch your tongue or I'll relive you of it, as for you. Don't even think of coming near him, you can not act like a savior when you are nothing more than the devil.'

She and Hunter helped me up and called the others to follow, she took me to my room and told Hunter to tell the rest something. I couldn't quit follow but all I now was that she took me to my room and cleaned me up, her dog came too and turned into the white snake before coiling around me.

At first I was scared it was going to squeeze me to death until she told me that his scales can heal injuries. She placed her hand on my head and then this bright white flame caught around my head, it didn't burn but I could feel the wounds close up instantly.

When it cleared I saw how exhausted she looked but she still sat with me, 'I am sorry for going ape on you without letting you explain or knowing the whole truth. Hunter was trying to tell me but I was to angry to listen.'

'Why are you always the one to apologize, I. Am sorry. I should have told you, it's just that she always told me to say I was an only child to surprise you all. Everything I said to her was to keep her updated on my life cause never comes home.'

She listened but still remained silent, it was like something else was bothering her but she didn't say a thing. At least they all know and that is all I need from them.


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