Birthday Special!

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Author's Note: Hello everyone! I hope you are all staying safe out there! Here is another nice little fluff/filler chapter that I hope you all enjoy (a little story base as well)! I really hope I didn't stray too far from the main characters personality haha. Thank you for those who left a comment, followed and voted for me! You all are amazing as usual!

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek! All rights belong to JJ Abrams (movie references) and Gene Roddenberry (TOS references). Any grammatical errors you find I hope you can forgive me, even if I review and rewrite the chapter before posting I tend to catch mistakes after I post the chapter lol. Anyway, happy reading!


We had only gotten a week's worth of rest before Starfleet sent us back into space. Under the command of Captain James T. Kirk we were sent off to monitor documented planets along with observing any new life should we come across any on our away missions. In the time we've been in space we've had at least three uneventful and long missions, and today I was going to take advantage and enjoy my first days off since we first left Earth.

Leonard and I were taking things slow, or trying to, our breaks were scheduled at the same time (the perks of being senior officers) so we'd have lunch together. I would get off my shift before Leonard, and I made it my duty to make sure that Leonard also got off on time. He tended to lose track of time when he buries himself into his work along with forgetting to eat dinner before he turned in for the night. I've made the comment that as someone who took care of others excessively, he failed to take care of himself in times that really counted.

Today, however, I was going to spend it locked away in my quarters, out of uniform, listening to some good old Earth music playing from my computer. At least, that was the plan until my computer started to beep. Notifying me that I had an incoming video call.

'Odd...' I thought as I got up from my bed and moved over to my desk. When I saw the name that blinked on my screen I could only smile as I accepted the call. "Good afternoon Ambassador Spock."

I had gotten Ambassador Spock's contact info from my own Spock after we had some time to rest, and when Ambassador Spock had time to settle the remaining living Vulcans on the new planet I had decided to contact him. We didn't talk much about any serious matters, simple greetings and concerns for each other's well being. It reminded me of the calls you would make to your grandparents, not speaking from experience, but from what I heard from other cadets at the academy.

He was able to provide me with more information about SoulMarks that his time had found when they had studied up on them. You see, he had told me how SoulMarks were considered very important in his timeline, and how treasured they were considered. A complete opposite from how our timeline treated SoulMarks. For example, if a connection is established through years of bonding, there was a case where SoulMarks could feel what the other person could feel. Another was that they established a sort of telepathic communication, but only if the bond had years to grow and solidify. And then...there were other cases where if one had died the other being so invested both mind and body, died as well.

It was very informative and it opened my eyes to how much we still did not know about these tattoos that were on our body's. And as much as possible, we tried to steer clear of speaking about my future self.

"Greetings Miss DeLuca." Ambassador Spock nodded his head in greeting.

"And to you Ambassador Spock, I hope things on New Vulcan are going according to plan." I sat back into my chair. "Not that I don't enjoy our company, but it's very rare that you would contact me first, is everything okay?"

Written in the Stars (Khan x OC x L.McCoy/Bones)Where stories live. Discover now