The End?

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Author's Note: Hello! Thank you so much for the views as well as the reviews for the previous chapter! I was so touched and I want you to know that I love you all! Big hugs!

IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ THE END NOTE! It's a little long but bear with me lol If you don't want to read it just yet then you can wait for my final thoughts, acknowledgments, and thank you's after I post The Butterfly Dream.

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek! All rights belong to JJ Abrams (movie references) and Gene Roddenberry (TOS references). If there are any grammatical errors or mistakes that you find that I failed to catch I hope you can forgive me! Happy reading everyone!


"I just don't understand you," A man dressed in a formal gray Starfleet uniform continued to lecture as he went rushing around one of the academy's main medical facilities. The man was going about gathering the necessary equipment needed to treat a boy who was sitting dejectedly on one of the metal chairs situated in the room with his head lowered, glaring at the ground as he listened to the older man continue his ranting...which seemed to last for what seemed like hours in the boy's opinion. "on your first day in the academy you get into a physical fistfight with a group of cadets who were twice your size!"

"I said I was sorry..." The boy apologized, but that hasn't quelled the older man's anger.

"Yeah, I understand that you're sorry." The man said as he came to stand in front of the boy and started to apply salves and patches to the boy's cuts and wounds. "But still! On the first day? You're lucky it was me who broke up the fight and the Academy President didn't hear about this! What would she say?"

"Then what should I have done! They insulted-" The boy began to argue only to be silenced by the older man's hard stare. " least it was a good fight..."

"A good fight..." The man scoffed with a shake of his head before applying slightly more pressure than necessary when placing the last bandage on the boy's face.

"Ow!" The boy protested as he swatted the man's hand away, glaring up at the physician. "You did that on purpose!"

"You bet your ass I did." The man said, returning the same ferocious glare. "Seriously, out of all the personalities to have rubbed off on you, it had to be from him!"

"Am I done?" The boy asked impatiently. "I'm going to be late for my orientation."

"Orientation my ass...your orientation doesn't start for another hour." The man grumbled as he turned his back to the boy. "Do me a favor alright? Stay out of trouble. I would hate for your mother to hear about what happened to you, or god forbid another incident like that were to happen." The man's voice tapered off so that the boy wouldn't hear his next statement. "Not to mention what your father would do to the cadets when he finds out specifically who and what caused the fight..."

"Too bad my father isn't a doctor..." The boy sarcastically remarked with a roll of his eyes causing the man to turn back around, face beet red as he glared at the boy.

"Get out of my medbay!" The man growled as the boy gave a cheeky smile.

"It's not your medbay, old man." The boy yelled back as he quickly hopped off the metal chair and ran out of the room, closing the door behind him before he heard some incoherent muffled cursing.

The boy let out a sigh of relief as he held fast against the medbay door, not enjoying trips to any medbay or the insistent nagging that would follow before he jumped at the sound of another voice. "I see that you got scolded, brother...again."

Written in the Stars (Khan x OC x L.McCoy/Bones)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora