Strength in Unity

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Author's Note: Hello! I'm so sorry for not posting last week, I was preparing my gift for my anniversary that needed my full attention. Celebrating 10 years lol needed to do something BIG! Anyway, I present to you...the next chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek! All rights belong to JJ Abrams (movie references) and Gene Roddenberry (TOS references). Any grammatical errors or mistakes you find I hope you can forgive me! Happy reading everyone!


Whoever...or whatever our captors were, the second that our Kelvin pods jettisoned out into space in an attempt to escape the failing Enterprise they had immediately taken our crew hostage. Bringing our pods to what I could best describe as a tiny civilization, their base I assumed. It reminded me of a mining facility as I saw large tower-like conduits, the ships they were flying had docked in these shelving in the towers, and as soon as our pods touched down on solid ground our enemies had forced us out of the safety of our pods.

With weapons pointed directly at our heads it gave us an incentive to comply with their orders as they forced us to line up single file and follow where they wanted us to go. As I walked behind my crew, following the line I was in, I took note of any familiar faces that I passed.

I saw Carol farther up ahead, who was already being ushered into one of the buildings that they were escorting one of the lines into. Sulu was walking just behind me, possibly a few people separating the two of us, but I could not see Nyota. Nor could I see Jim, Scotty, Chekov, Spock, Leonard or Khan and that worried me greatly.

Best case scenario? They were one of the few that our captors were unable to retrieve which meant that there was a possibility that they were on the surface of this planet and would be looking for us as we speak. Worst case scenario? Well...I didn't want to think that that was even a possibility that they were gone. I wanted to keep on hoping that our friends were out there looking for us, and that hope kept that fire in the center of my chest going. The fight to keep going, trying, that determination to find a way to get us out of this mess, or at least keep everyone here alive until Jim could find us.

While I was in the line that was being escorted into this single, large metal type room, I did see that there was a different line that was leading further into the depths of this planet. Maybe there was another level that we couldn't see, but I had to wonder: why were we being separated instead of all of us being thrown into this one room?

After the last of our line had been thrown inside, and the doors closed shut behind them I went about to check on what remained of our crew. Immediately going over to those who had collapsed on the ground in either exhaustion or from their wounds that I could not see.

"Ally!" I heard Carol's voice call out in relief as I saw her amongst the crowd of color rushing over to me, and when she was close enough she had thrown her arms around me as I heard her sniffle a few times in the crook of my neck. "Oh my god! I didn't think you made it off the ship!"

"I wasn't sure who made it and who didn't after we were being taken..." I patted her back as the two of us slid down to the ground, our legs feeling like jello after the whole ordeal back on the Enterprise. "I'm happy to see you alive and well...or as well as we can be in this situation we found ourselves in."

"Did Jim make it off? What about the others? Nyota?" Carol was in a slight hysteric, her face stained with lines of dried tears as her blue eyes sparkled from the fresh tears that threatened to fall, she must've been in a panic as I saw the tip of her nose was slightly red.

Written in the Stars (Khan x OC x L.McCoy/Bones)Where stories live. Discover now