Cracks in the Pristine Mirror

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Author's Note: Hello! No AN today, just want to say hi and give you all a big hug as well as hoping you all have a lovely day!

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek! All rights belong to JJ Abrams (movie references) and Gene Roddenberry (TOS references). If there's any grammatical errors or mistakes that you find I hope you can forgive me! Happy reading everyone!

I am by no means a medical professional, I've only done a little research as well as how I handle the situation when my bf has some of his panic attacks. Do not take my scene as a example to handle real life scenarios.


If I was doing this by myself, I would've been a nervous wreck...I still am if I were honest with myself, but it seemed like there was a development that was created without me realizing it. I never would've thought that I would ever be on the same footing as my older siblings in all my life, figuratively and mentally. But for once I feel as if I wasn't going into something, dealing with our family, alone. Don't ask me how that happened.

The dress I was wearing was suffocating, and I couldn't help but think how much I wished that Leonard and Khan could see me now. Maybe once this is all over I will wear this outfit again in a more comfortable environment.

While talking to my siblings outside of the banquet hall, I felt that the people around us, the hired help, were staring at us as if we were mythological creatures never before seen in a cage on display at a zoo. Even while we were talking I could've sworn I felt something creep up my spine, but it wasn't an uncomfortable feeling. I felt a sense of calm and warmth, something I've only felt when it came to Leonard and Khan.

Walking into the party I was surprised and slightly proud that I hadn't tripped on the ends of my dress, the calming music disguised the horror that was waiting for us inside. A false sense of calm that left me unnerved. Faces stared at the three of us, faces that I've never seen in forever as well as unfamiliar faces that I couldn't even remember the names of until after my research from the night before.

Aurelius led the three of us along the carpet that led up to where I could see our grandfather speaking to our father, and between the two men I could see our great-grandfather standing tall amongst the two men. It would seem that all the men of our family wore something similar to what Aurelius was wearing, though with their own color of choice mixed into it. While our father wore pure black, our mother seemed to have picked the same color to match with our great-grandfather...of course.

I haven't seen our great-grandfather before, only in pictures of his earlier years. He was gray and wrinkled, but he still stood tall with the help of a cane that he was leaning on for support. His eyes were dull, wise from years of experience, and he seemed unimpressed by the party that was being held in his honor. It was true, just as we could never tell what our father was thinking, our great-grandfather was just the same.

I felt my knees shake the closer we got to the three generations that were waiting for us to approach as three pairs of similar colored eyes watched us like a hawk. Aurelius's hands squeezed my own in support as I kept my chin up and my eyes focused forward on the men at the end of the walkaway.

' everything.' I repeated in my head as we stopped just a foot or so away from the table that our great-grandfather had to himself.

"Your children have grown since the last I've seen them, Caius." Our grandfather lightly commented as our father gave us a subtle nod.

Simultaneously, Aurelius had bowed slightly from his waist while Celestyn and myself had curtseyed.

"Fleet Admiral Cassius." Aurelius spoke out proudly as he gave our great-grandfather one of his rare, charming smiles. "As the eldest son of Promoted Fleet Admiral Caius DeLuca, our family wishes you the happiest of birthdays along with many more years to come."

Written in the Stars (Khan x OC x L.McCoy/Bones)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora