The Mudd Situation

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Author's Note: Hello everyone! I apologize for not updating last week and being late this week, there's no excuse I just needed a mental health day/week lol. Thank you everyone for your patience, I will try and update weekly (though there's no set date on what day I would be updating specifically). As always I appreciate all the love, comments, votes, and follows!

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek! All rights belong to JJ Abrams (movie references) and Gene Roddenberry (TOS references). Any grammatical errors or mistakes you find I hope you can forgive me! Happy reading everyone!


"Space..." Leonard grumbled from his chair, scribbling furiously on the piece of paper that was on his desk. He had said it was a report he had to do, and when I told him he could do it on his PADD he told me to shush. "I hate space..."

"We've been in space for almost a year." I smiled from my seat across from Leonard, taking a sip from the cup I had brought to his office. "You'd think you'd get used to it by now."

"And where'd you get that from?" Leonard asked me as he pointed at my cup.

"From the food replicator in the mess hall." I giggled before looking at the time on his computer. "It's almost time for you to clock out."

"You know Ally, you've been off schedule for a couple hours." Leonard sighed. "You truly don't have to wait for me. You're free to turn in for the night."

"I know you Leonard, if I don't wait for you and remind you that your shift is over you'll go without dinner, lock yourself in this office of yours and get close to no sleep. You'd end up working straight into your next shift and you won't stop until you collapse from exhaustion or starvation. Not to mention if I don't bring anything to drink we can add dehydration into the mix." I scolded him with a knowing look. "Need I go on?"

Leonard could only shake his head at how ridiculous I was sounding, but he couldn't refute my statement. He knew he tended to do that and he didn't dare try to prove me wrong.

"You're too good to me." Leonard complimented, placing his pen down as he lifted his arms up and stretched out his back.

"I was made for you." I replied back before holding a hand up to my mouth to stifle a yawn.

"I'll clock out and escort you to your room." Leonard said, but as he got up from his chair the communicator on his desk whirred to life and Spock's voice came through from the other end.

"Doctor McCoy." Spock spoke. "Do you know the whereabouts of Commander DeLuca? She has not answered my calls to her quarters, and the Captain has said that she would be in your office at this hour. He had mentioned something about strengthening the bonds of your Mark."

"Doctor McCoy here, Commander DeLuca is in my office." Leonard said before letting out a huff. "And you can tell the Captain to shut up."

"Noted." Spock's voice added. "Commander DeLuca, though you have finished for the evening, the Captain has requested that you and Doctor McCoy report to the bridge."

"Is it an emergency?" I asked curiously.

"More...peculiar. I think you should see for yourself." Spock said.

"We'll be right there." I assured Spock before I ended our call.

"Duty calls..." I smiled as I got up to stretch. "mind if I leave my cup here? I'll come back after we finish up on the bridge to retrieve it."

"Not a problem." Leonard said as he quickly stepped around his desk to beat me to the door, standing in the sensor and waiting for me to exit before him. "Maybe we can get a quick light dinner. Eating a full meal before sleep isn't good for us."

Written in the Stars (Khan x OC x L.McCoy/Bones)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora