John Harrison

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Author's Note: Woohoo! Another chapter! It is Friday for me and just as I promised, ta-da! I seriously just couldn't wait haha. Anyway! I'll keep this short.

I don't know if I mentioned this, but in case anyone is wondering I kind of picture Allyson's height to be at least the same as Nyota's. I think it said somewhere that she's...5'6? The boys are at least 6'0+

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek! All rights belong to JJ Abrams (movie references) and Gene Roddenberry (TOS references). Any grammatical errors or mistakes you find I hope you can forgive me! Happy reading everyone!


"Engineering manually dropped us out of warp, sir." Sulu informed me as I tried to steady myself on the navigation console after being violently thrown from my chair. I groaned at the ache from the contact I had with the console before pressing the button in front of me to get into contact with engineering, quite peeved at the sudden disturbance.

"Mister Chekov, did you break my ship?" I asked as I tapped on the console impatiently.

"Sorry, sir. I don't know what happened." Chekov responded. "The core overheated. Commander DeLuca had to actiwate the emergency stop. It must be a coolant leak. We need time to find it. Sorry, Captain."

"If you are by the Commander, please put her on the line." I huffed and for a second I could hear some yelling in the background, Allyson's strong voice echoing and piercing through the chaos that was going on in Engineering, getting louder the closer I assumed Chekov got to her.

"Commander!" I heard Chekov call out. "The Captain wishes to speak to you!"

"Thank you Mister Chekov..." I heard Allyson's voice come loud and clear through the communicator. "Everything okay on the bridge, Captain?"

"Ally, you ran off the bridge and the next second we're all being thrown from our chairs." I huffed. "If you were going to initiate a full stop mid warp you could've, at least, given us a heads up."

"Sorry Jim, the ship didn't sound right to me as soon as we went into warp...I just didn't know what it was until the core showed it beginning to overheat. I needed to act fast if I wanted to get to the engineering room in time." Allyson sighed as I heard her apologize to Chekov, asking about taking his communicator with her. "It's pretty bad here Jim, the engine room is filled with smoke...we're having trouble navigating through the room without potentially running into people or pipework. I don't understand Jim, she's never done this before."

"Damn it. Give me a minute, stay on the line." I sighed before putting Allyson on hold to turn to address Sulu. "Mister Sulu, time to our destination."

"Twenty minutes, sir." Sulu said as he calculated an estimate from his station. "That's twenty minutes in enemy space we weren't counting on."

"Ally!" I called, getting back in touch with my TIC. "we're still twenty minutes from Kronos. Twenty minutes in enemy space. I'm going to take Spock and Uhura down to Kronos to retrieve John Harrison."

"Then I think it would be best to take the K'normian trading ship Captain." Ally suggested. "Even if the planet is rumored to be abandoned, we wouldn't want anything to trace you back to Starfleet should any Klingon's find you."

Written in the Stars (Khan x OC x L.McCoy/Bones)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora