Instructor and Commander

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Author's Note: I want to say thank you everyone for the lovely views and follows from the last chapter. We are now going to venture into actual timeline of the movie! Yay! I'm excited!

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek! All rights belong to JJ Abrams (movie references) and Gene Roddenberry (TOS references). The cover photo was edited by me, but the model in it I have no claim over. I only own my OC Allyson DeLuca! Any grammatical errors you see I'm sorry and I hope you can still easily ready my story. Happy reading everyone!


"We're receiving a distress signal from the USS Kobayashi Maru. The ship has lost power and is stranded. Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them." Nyota informed Jim with a slight attitude not sounding at all entertained by being a part of such a simulation once more.

"Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them, Captain." Jim corrected Nyota as the alarms overhead started to beep to signal a warning.

"Oh god..." I sighed beside Spock while watching Jim from the observation deck standing. I saw Leonard roll his eyes at Jim's response as he tapped away on the monitor in front of him.

"Two Klingon vessels have entered the neutral zone and are locking weapons on us." Leonard reported to Jim.

"That's okay." Jim replied.

"That's okay?" Leonard repeated, throwing his hand up as he looked back to Jim.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." Jim said nonchalantly.

"Jim..." I sighed while placing a hand over my eyes feeling completely embarrassed and flabbergasted at his response. "what are you doing..."

"Taking this simulation as a joke." Spock replied.

"Did he say 'don't worry about it' ?" One of the instructors asked, as he stared down at Jim.

"Is he not taking the simulation seriously?" The instructor closest to the glass window asked.

Through my fingers I saw Jim looking up at the observation deck with a proud, conceited smirk on his face before Leonard speaking bought Jim's attention back to the simulation he was currently a part of.

"Three more Klingon warbirds decloaking and targeting our ship." Leonard said as he turned back to Jim, his frown crooked as he motioned dramatically to the 'viewscreen'. "I don't suppose this is a problem either."

"They're firing, Captain." Another cadet that was part of the simulation cut in.

"Alert medical bay to prepare to receive all crew members from the damaged ship." Jim called Nyota who turned back to Jim, taken back by such a request.

"And how do you expect us to rescue them when we're surrounded by Klingons, Captain." Nyota sneered with her arms crossed over her chest. Jim turned his chair to Nyota, still with a smile permanently on his face.

"Alert medical." Jim repeated before alarms wailing above notified Jim that the there was a problem with the ship.

"I can't watch this..." I mumbled to Spock. "playing it off as some kind of joke?"

"Our ship is being hit." Leonard cut in, tapping more on the screen in front of him.

"I understand." Jim said as he fidgeted in his seat, producing an apple from his side.

"Well should we, I don't know, fire back?" Leonard asked with a shrug of his shoulders, looking just as done with the simulation as I was along with Jim's lack of leadership at the current situation.

Written in the Stars (Khan x OC x L.McCoy/Bones)Where stories live. Discover now