Interrogation and Confrontation

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Author's Note: Hello! So, I'm in a very dark place haha I've gotten a Switch and have been playing Animal Crossing nonstop lol it's just so addicting that I keep getting sidetracked when writing. Anyway! Thank you all you lovely readers for all the love and support you've given my story!

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek! All rights belong to JJ Abrams (movie references) and Gene Roddenberry (TOS references). Any grammatical errors or mistakes you find I hope you can forgive me! Happy reading everyone!


"Why is there a man in that torpedo?" Jim asked 'Harrison' who was sitting and waiting patiently on the bed that was placed inside his cell.

"There are men and women in all those torpedoes, Captain. I put them there." 'Harrison' responded as I moved over to stand beside Spock.

"Who the hell are you?" Jim asked 'Harrison' who suddenly looked to have receded back into his mind, lost in his thoughts as he contemplated how to phrase the words that would come out of his mouth in a dignified manner.

"A remnant of a time long past. Genetically engineered to be superior so as to lead others to a peace in a world at war. But we were condemned as criminals, forced into exile. For centuries we slept," 'Harrison' turned his head to look at me before his eyes fell on Spock. "hoping when we awoke, things would be different. But as a result of the destruction of Vulcan, your Starfleet began to aggressively search distant quadrants of space. My ship was found adrift." 'Harrison' then turned his eyes back onto Jim. "I alone was revived."

"We looked up 'John Harrison.' Until a year ago, he didn't exist." Jim stated before he was immediately cut off as the man in the cell stood up and walked up to the barrier that separated us from him.

"John Harrison was a fiction created the moment I was awoken by your Admiral Marcus to help him advance his cause. A smokescreen to conceal my true identity." 'Harrison' glared at Jim. "My Khan."

'Khan...' I suddenly froze in my spot, my right hand moving to grip my left wrist. 'it can't possibly be...'

"Why would a Starfleet Admiral ask a three hundred year old frozen man for help?" Jim asked.

"Because I am...better." The man who we now knew as Khan retorted.

"At what?" Jim continued his questioning.

"Everything." Khan began to move away from the barrier. "Alexander Marcus needed to respond to an uncivilized threat in a civilized time and for that he needed a warrior's mind, my mind," Khan began to circle his cell, his head swiveled as he now turned to look over his shoulder back at Spock. "to design weapons and warships."

"You are suggesting the Admiral violated every regulation he vowed to uphold simply because he wanted to exploit your intellect." I heard Spock state, clearly questioning the absurdity of Khan's statement, only for Khan to take a threatening step in our direction.

"He wanted to exploit my savagery." Khan stated before he squinted his eyes at Spock. "Intellect alone is useless in a fight, Mister Spock. You..." There was a small upturn of his lips as he continued his speech. "you can't even break a rule. How would you be expected to break bone?"

He was like an animal in his cage, pacing...staring, carefully studying us to see what we would do next, we couldn't trust him...but there was something in his words that caused me to falter. Why would he lie to us? What were his true intentions?

"Marcus used me to design weapons. To help him realize his vision of a militarized Starfleet. He sent you to use those weapons. To fire my torpedoes on an unsuspecting planet. And then he purposely crippled your ship in enemy space leading to one inevitable outcome. The Klingons would come searching for whomever was responsible, and you would have no chance of escape. Marcus..." Khan pointed out the obvious outcome that would come from all of this. "would finally have the war he talked about. The war he always wanted."

Written in the Stars (Khan x OC x L.McCoy/Bones)Where stories live. Discover now