Only Together Shall We Rise

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Author's Note: Hello everyone! Thank you everyone for the comments, follows, and votes! I apologize for not posting a new chapter last week. I had a headache that wouldn't go away for several days that prevented me from writing on my computer. I think I'm okay now so I will continue to try and update regularly. =)

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek! All rights belong to JJ Abrams (movie references) and Gene Roddenberry (TOS references). Any grammatical errors you find I hope you can forgive me.


From my station, an alert notified me of something wrong within the ship coming from Engineering. "Captain Spock, my computer has detected an unauthorized access to Water Turbine Control Board."

"Bring up the video." Spock said as I tapped on my screen and transferred the feed over to the viewscreen for us to watch.

From the feed I saw...Jim? Helping another man to his feet as they rushed left and out of the video feed. How the hell did he get back aboard this ship?

"Security, seal the Engineering Deck. We have intruders in Turbine Section 3." Spock ordered with a press of the button. "Set phaser to stun."

'Who was that man that was with Jim...' I thought as I leaned back on my controls. 'how is that even possible?'

I was exhausted, partially due to my work, but also because of the conversation I just had with Leonard. I had wanted to tell him and show him a glimpse of my Mark, but when he revealed to me how his Mark caused problems for his marriage...I panicked. My vibrato faltered and the courage I had worked up failed me. I began to worry if he held me accountable for his failed marriage though he had said he never saw his Mark. When he pieced it together that I possibly had his name, my heart sunk even more, and when he touched my Mark, his name...I felt a jolt run up my arm. Such a strong reaction that I've only studied about I finally felt and I was thrilled by such a reaction that only supported my theory, but I had been grounded by my conflicting feelings.

Guilt. Shame. Embarrassment. All those negative feelings I had when I was a child was brought forth in full and my thoughts were racing a mile a minute. I was reverted back to my childhood when I first showed my Mark to my friend...and I so badly wanted to try and scrub off my Marks like I had attempted to back then.

But Leonard...sweet Leonard with his adorable smile and his pet names. Just one word and he was able to make it all stop. His assurance of wanting to talk made my worries disappear.

I had to get my emotions under control, there were more pressing matters at hand and I feared it was only going to get worse before it could get better.

"Commander DeLuca." My earpiece went off.

"DeLuca." I answered snapping back to reality.

"We have the intruders in custody." The Chief Security informed me.

"Bring them to the bridge. The Captain will want a word with them." I cut off the link before speaking to Spock. "Captain Spock, Security has captured the intruders. I have ordered them to bring them to the bridge."

"Thank you Commander DeLuca." Spock nodded his head as he and the rest on the bridge waited for Jim and the other man.

When the main turbolift opened, Kirk and the man were in custody being dragged onto the bridge and from my station I watched as Spock made a beeline toward the two. I walked around my station and stayed close to the group, feeling the tension rise as Jim continued to stare at Spock

Written in the Stars (Khan x OC x L.McCoy/Bones)Where stories live. Discover now