The Superior Woman P.2

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Author's Note: HELLO EVERYONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Sorry this is late, I wanted to be satisfied with the end results and I think I did a pretty good job hehe. Have you made any resolutions? Mine is writing more, get a job (after losing mine), and...lose some weight haha

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek! All rights belong to JJ Abrams (movie references) and Gene Roddenberry (TOS references). You know the drill, any grammatical errors or mistakes that I missed I hope you can overlook them. I also do not know what truly happens in court or how things are officially handled. The only experience I have is from that one Star Trek episode I saw as well as this one instance in my life. Happy reading!


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is where we currently find ourselves. Standing in front of the board members that were going to find me either guilty or innocent of illegally waking up a few of Khan's crew before Admiral Pike or any of the higher-ups could even grant us permission to do so.

I have continued to maintain my innocence, but it seemed that it fell on deaf ears. I was at the wrong place at the wrong time...set up by Lieutenant McGivers, but I had no proof to back up my speculations.

"Now, Commander DeLuca, do you mind recalling the events from the beginning that led to our Starfleet Officers arresting you at the scene of the incident." Lieutenant Shaw began to pace back and forth in front of me. "Please be as thorough and as detailed about everything that you can remember of that day."

The room I was in was imposing. It reminded me of the auditorium back in Starfleet Academy. I was standing at the podium in the center of the room, facing the high-ranking officers that were seated at the large desk that was elevated a step higher than the floor we were standing on to enable them to look down on me as I stood at attention.

The attorney that was assigned to me had said that I should step down and agree to a guilty verdict due to the evidence they supposedly had on me. I denied such an option for that would result in agreeing to whatever punishment the presiding officers thought I deserved as well as stripping me of my rank, taking away all that I worked for. I was innocent, and I demanded a jury because I was confident in my innocence. Even if it seemed like a losing battle, there was always hope that they would see reason.

"Yes, sir." I responded as clearly as I could. "At the request of Admiral Pike, the crew of the USS Enterprise had returned to Earth to discuss Lieutenant Singh's progress and change of attitude as well as what should be done going forward concerning waking a few of Lieutenant Singh's crew should it be determined that they can adapt to our ever growing world."

"And what was the outcome of that meeting?" Lieutenant Shaw probed.

"The meeting seemed to be leaning in a positive direction. There was one condition and that lay with Lieutenant Marla McGivers. Lieutenant McGivers was assigned to interview and evaluate if change was indeed possible. If a positive assessment was submitted then we were under the assumption that a few of Lieutenant Singh's crew would be revived at a time and with the help of Lieutenant Singh they would learn to adapt to the new way." I responded.

"Walk us through what happened after the meeting with Admiral Christopher Pike and the other Admiral's that oversaw the meeting." Lieutenant Shaw requested.

"After we were dismissed, Captain Kirk had asked Lieutenant McGivers where would be a proper environment to properly conduct this important evaluation. Lieutenant McGivers had informed us that this evaluation was to be between Lieutenant Singh and herself per request from the Admiral's. We agreed and left things in her capable hands. I said goodbye to Lieutenant Singh and left to meet up with Doctor McCoy back to our shared living arrangement." The same questions were asked when I was back in the cell and never once did my answer change. "I had gone to take a nap, taking advantage of being on safe grounds as well as never needing to constantly worry about what goes on on our ship, before I heard my communicator go off."

Written in the Stars (Khan x OC x L.McCoy/Bones)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن