Run You Clever Boys

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Author's Note: Hello Hello! We are back again with another chapter! All I have to say is a big THANK YOU for all the support and love for last weeks update! You all are wonderful, beautiful people!

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek! All rights belong to JJ Abrams (movie references) and Gene Roddenberry (TOS references). Any grammatical errors or mistakes you find I hope you can forgive me! Happy reading everyone!


My pod had crash landed, touching down on the Class-M planet Altamid, but the journey down wasn't as easy as I had hoped. There were a few instances that I had thought my pod would slam into a few of the rocks that jutted out from the mountain side, there were clusters of trees that stretched up to the sky that my pod had just barely grazed upon that caused a slight panic each time I heard the screeching against my pod. I thought I was going to die a couple of times, and it was only when my pod was safely on solid land that I was able to breathe a sigh of relief. I was thankful that the intruders hadn't taken my escape pod as well.

Now, safely on solid land, I could concentrate on rescuing my crew...wherever they had taken them, and I knew just the person who could provide me with the answers I needed. If I could find them, and if they made it off our ship alive.

I had changed out of my uniform, dressing up in the blue suit that was packed inside my escape pod, packed for emergencies only. It was necessary for the situation we were in considering my standard starfleet uniform would attract attention compared to the dark blue uniform. I also grabbed for the extra phaser that was hidden in the side compartment in the pod since mine had been dropped back on the Enterprise. In the distance I saw another of our Starfleet Kelvin pods resting against a tree that had splintered on impact with a familiar head of brown curls messing around inside of the pod.

I was just about to call out to the Russian kid before something else had caught my attention. I saw a parachute deploy nearby, watching as it got shredded by the dense trees, and I only caught a glimpse of the person in the pod before taking off full sprint in its direction. Seems like Lady Luck still favored me. "Chekov!"

I ran over to the Kelvin pod that held Kalara, hell bent on getting the answers that I needed even if I had to force it out of her. My ship was destroyed, my crew was wiped to in a blink of an eye, all those innocent lives that were under my care and who were my responsibility, gone! Because she had held back important information, my friends, those who trusted me with their lives...and Carol. I was regretting how I treated her in the time before we reached Yorktown, instead of being honest with her, I pushed her away because of my own problems that I thought I could shoulder on my own.

'I promise,' I thought as I raced towards Kalara. 'I promise when I find you I will apologize profusely and ask you to forgive me for being an ass.'

But there was something more that bothered me, something that still didn't seem right with Kalara and I was going to get to the bottom of this mystery.

"You knew." I growled as I stalked over to the woman who was keeled over, resting her hands on her thighs as she took deep even breathes. "You knew we'd be attacked."

"You don't understand." Kalara's translator translated the second she opened her mouth, and I couldn't help the rage that overtook my body, winning over all other emotions, as I reached for my phaser at my side and pointed it right at her head.

"Captain!" Chekov's voice grew louder the closer he got to where Kalara and I stood. "Captain Kirk!"

I felt Chekov's presence come up from behind me, hearing a shallow pant at having ran here to catch up, but I simply kept my sights trained on Kalara. Watching as her eyes darted to the boy behind me before addressing me with her hands clasped meekly in front of her nervously.

Written in the Stars (Khan x OC x L.McCoy/Bones)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora