The Influence of SoulMarks

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Author's Note: Hello everyone! I apologize for skipping a week, for some reason my left arm (elbow to my hand) was throbbing in pain that prevented me from typing (it was really bad, hot patches and soaking it in hot water helped). Second! I was busy trying to get a PS5 (sadly, our hunt is still ongoing). Third! Been waiting for my KH MoM to come in to play so it's been a wild week! But I am here and back, thank you for all the love and support! Sorry for the long AN.

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek! All rights belong to JJ Abrams (movie references) and Gene Roddenberry (TOS references). Any grammatical errors or mistakes you find I hope you can forgive me! Happy reading everyone!


"Why are you here Khan?" Leonard mumbled from where he sat, tapping impatiently on a free space on his desk.

"Because your Captain had asked me to wait for him in your office." Khan stated from where he was leaning by the only door leading in and out of the office. His eyes staring unblinking back at Leonard which only seemed to create more anxiety in the doctor then he already had.

"I don't feel safe being alone here with you, I'd appreciate it if you would wait outside for Jim to return." Leonard commented, trying to be as civil as possible, causing the corner of Khan's lips to twitch.

"Do I bother you, Doctor?" Khan asked, putting emphasis on his position each time he said it. "Do I scare you?"

"You're no scarier than a box of kittens." Leonard mocked.

"Then are you bothered because the woman you love has now found her Mate?" Khan made an pointed comment aimed solely at the agitated doctor which caused Leonard's body to coil as his hazel eyes turned onto Khan.

"Yeah, the woman I love has found her Mate, but I'm not bothered at all that it's you." Leonard said as he ground his teeth together. "I know she will still love me."

"Do you think so?" Khan asked. "From what I know of SoulMarks, you're only born with one...and seeing that she has my name I highly doubt she'd still be with you after all this is over. And even if she does stay with you, she'll always be thinking about me and doesn't that thought just unnerve you...Doctor?"

"She never told you did she?" Leonard smirked, taking great joy in knowing something that the man in front of him didn't.

"Didn't tell me what?" Khan glared at Leonard.

"It's not my place." Leonard shrugged his shoulders which caused Khan to advance onto Leonard, grabbing Leonard by the collar of his shirt before he could blink and pulled him across the desk.

"You will tell me what I don't know about my Mate, Doctor McCoy." Khan threatened as Leonard stood to challenge the augment.

"Or what?" Leonard ground out as he yanked his collar free out of Khan's grip. "You harm me, you'll find Allyson will never be able to look at you the same again."

"And why would I care how she views me?" Khan leaned closer to Leonard.

"Because she's your Mate, you'll always care how she views you, and you wouldn't want to ever disappoint Allyson." Leonard said and before things could escalate any further the door to Leonard's office slid open to reveal Jim with Spock following close behind.

"Good to see that you both are getting along." Jim sarcastically remarked as he entered the office, Spock stepped in and when the door closed the Vulcan had kept close to the door to make sure that no one would interrupt the conversation going on in this room.

Written in the Stars (Khan x OC x L.McCoy/Bones)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora