Together, But Not Whole

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Author's Note: No news, no updates, just a warm hello from me to all you beautiful and lovely readers out there!

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek! All rights belong to JJ Abrams (movie references) and Gene Roddenberry (TOS references). Again, if there's any grammatical errors or mistakes you find I do apologize and I hope you can forgive me! Happy reading everyone!


Jim and Leonard led Spock over to one of the couches as Jaylah brought forward what Leonard could only guess were medical supplies, but they were only what he had seen in museums and in his history books as he displayed them all out in front of him. Leonard started to look over each one, recognizing and separating some that looked like it was still in working condition. As Leonard attempted to tinker with a few of the other equipment Jim went over to cater to Spock with Scotty handing over a cushion for his head.

"All right. Lie down. Come on." Jim grabbed for Spock's hand to carefully lower the injured Vulcan down onto the couch. "There you go." When Spock was in a comfortable position Leonard watched as Jim leaned closer to their First Officer. "How are we gonna get out of this one, Spock? We've got no ship, no crew. Not the best odds."

"We will do what we have always done, Jim." Spock assured though his voice quivered from the pain. Spock had addressed the Captain by his first name, an unusual action when it came to Spock. "We will find hope in the impossible."

"Let's get you patched up first, okay?" Jim nodded as he turned back to Leonard before Spock grabbed for Jim's arm to prevent him from leaving, bringing the Captain's attention back on him.

"No, Captain." Spock shook his head. "You must focus your efforts on helping the crew."

"Well, that's why I need you around, Spock." Jim said, not catching the glance that his CMO and First Officer shared as Jim turned back to look at Leonard in hopes for some good news, to see if he found anything that could help with Spock's wound.

"These things are from the dark ages." Leonard said as he shrugged his shoulders just as Spock let out a sharp exhale in pain.

"Bones." Jim motioned for Leonard to simply continue his work, anything that could help lessen Spock's pain he would take.

"I'm pretty sure this is a protoplaser." Leonard guessed as Spock started to cough. "Should stop the internal hemorrhaging." Leonard lifted Spock's shirt and held the device up to his wound. "At least that's my hope."

"The miserable have no other medicine. But only hope." Spock quoted as Jim and Leonard shared a look.

"Death's door and he's quoting Shakespeare." Leonard commented as he went back to holding the device to Spock's wound. "Jim, who else have you found."

"I was with Chekov when we landed on Altamid. Jaylah had come across Scotty and Khan." Jim listed off those who were on this ship with them.

"Thank god he survived." Leonard commented, a bit sarcastically, but relieved nonetheless.

"No sign of Ally..." Jim looked to Leonard before glancing down to Spock. "or Nyota."

"And Carol?" Leonard asked, still keeping his eyes on his work but not before seeing from the corner of his eyes Jim shake his head. "Then we can only hope that they're together. Keeping each other sane and safe."

"We need to find them..." Jim whispered as he went to sit on the ground, patiently waiting for a positive reassurance from Leonard to say that he got Spock's hemorrhaging under control.

Written in the Stars (Khan x OC x L.McCoy/Bones)Where stories live. Discover now