Acting Captain DeLuca

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Author's Note: You all are simply amazing! Thank you for the lovely comments, the follows and the votes! It makes me so happy that people are enjoying this story as much as I'm writing it! Please forgive any grammar mistakes and happy reading!

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek! All rights belong to JJ Abrams (movie references) and Gene Roddenberry (TOS references).


"Spock to Commander DeLuca." My comm pinged from an intercom that was close to the lift that led to the shuttlebay.

"DeLuca here. Everything okay Commander Spock? Has Captain Pike and his team reached shuttlebay?" I spoke as I continued to work.

"Captain Pike and the away team are on their way and preparing for departure. The Captain has left me in command of the Enterprise and has promoted Kirk to first officer." Spock informed me. "I'm headed back to the bridge."

"Understood Captain." I said as I ended our communication. I my element, being able to multitask to this level wasn't a problem. I heard the main turbo lift to the bridge open, and without even looking I knew who it was. "Captain on the bridge."

Spock moved with haste to the Captain's chair, sitting down before pressing the button to hail who he was searching for.

"Doctor Puri, report." Spock called.

"It's McCoy. Doctor Puri was on Deck 6. He's dead." Leonard's voice came through the intercom to inform Spock.

"Then you have just inherited his responsibility as chief medical officer." Spock responded.

"Yeah, tell me something I don't know." Leonard bit back. I heard the stress in his voice due to, what I could imagine, the absolute chaos in his medbay.

"Shall I report to Doctor McCoy to offer my assistance?" I asked Spock who merely shook his head.

"Though Kirk was promoted to first officer, with him gone should I suddenly become unavailable I need you to take command." Spock said as he looked at me expectantly.

"Understood Captain." I said before I heard Captain Pike through my earpiece. On command I opened the shuttlebay doors for Captain Pike to fly through as I watched the little blip on my screen move away from the starship. "Shuttle commander, sir...Captain Pike, you are clear from U.S.S. Enterprise airspace."

For a while the shuttle drifted toward the Romulan ship before I heard Captain Pike wish his away team good luck. "Kirk, Sulu and Olson has separated from the shuttle."

On the viewing screen we could see Jim, Sulu, and Engineer Olson as colored blips as they began their descent toward the drill, dropping at an alarming rate as the meters began to count down.

"Away team is entering the atmosphere, sir. Twenty thousand meters." Chekov reported as we watched the number reach close to five thousand. "Approaching the platform at 5,800 meters."

"Kirk to Enterprise." Jim's voice chimed in through his helmet. "Distance to target, 5,000 meters."

"Forty-six hundred meters from the platform." Chekov counted before Sulu added in. "Forty-five hundred meters to target."

"Four thousand meters." Jim reported.

"Three thousand meters." Olson called.

"Two thousand meters." Jim said.

"Pulling chute." Sulu said as the yellow blip on the screen suddenly started to slow its descent along with the blue blip. Though Olson kept shooting down.

Written in the Stars (Khan x OC x L.McCoy/Bones)Where stories live. Discover now