pt. 3 - Officially Yours

Start from the beginning

"Before you do that, I was wondering, since I am home alone... If you wanted to maybe... Come over? We can watch a movie or something," he suggested.

"Oh. If you're sure," I blushed, looking off to the side.

"Absolutely," he nodded, grabbing my hand. He took me straight to his car and stood with me at the passengers side. "Okay... About me being nervous," he took a deep breath and squeezed his eyes closed. "W-will you be my girlfriend?" I immediately jumped into a hug, I was ecstatic from the question. I had been waiting since our first date for him to ask.

"Yes! I really like you, I would love to be your girlfriend," I replied, burying my face in his chest as he hugged me back. I let him go for a moment, before placing my hands on his cheeks to pull his face down to my level. He smiled nervously, but closed his eyes again to lean into a soft kiss. Our first kiss.

"That was nice," he seemed a little dumbstruck, not sure how to react.

"Yeah, it was. Maybe we should go now?" I held his hand in mine as we stood there.

"Y-yeah," he agreed, opening the door for me, and making his way to the driver's side. Once we were both in, he started the car, and we left. He had one hand on the steering wheel, the other nervously picking at the hem of his shirt.

I quietly grabbed his hand away from his shirt and placed it on my thigh, my hand only resting over his. I nodded at the feeling, it was perfect. He was perfect. However, still nervous.

The car was comfortably quiet, the radio at a low volume, the air conditioner slightly blowing on my face. We arrived to his house after about twenty minutes of silent conversing. He took me inside, I just looked around for a minute.

"Want a tour?" He asked, only half joking.

"Uhh... Sure," He took me around his two bedroom, one bathroom home, showing me where the bathroom is, Metal's perfectly clean room, Lee's slightly less clean, but very comfortable looking room, and the kitchen along with the living room, decorated with pictures of him and his son. Not a single picture of Metals mom anywhere, not even in the baby photos. Overall, his house could be described as comfortable and safe, a place I could imagine myself in. But maybe I shouldn't think so far ahead.

"So? What do you think of my house?"

"I like it, it feels nice," I replied, still looking around.

"Would you like to watch a movie?" He suggested, looking down at me. "I have the t.v. out here, and another one in my room."

"A movie sounds nice," I smiled, not really sure. For all I care, I could just sleep. "Can we watch in your room?"

"Sure thing," he agreed, showing me to his room again. He invited me onto his bed, comfortably sitting up with all the pillows. I was quick to join him as he scrolled through all the movies he has. "What do you want to watch?" He asked.

"I'm good with anything. I can't guarantee that I won't fall asleep half way through, I'm so tired," I yawned, cuddling into his chest. His arm was around me, keeping me close to him. I looked up at his face, and leaned my forehead on his. He kissed the tip of my nose and looked back at the t.v. "you seem to have lots of Marvel movies. I'm a fan of Spiderman," I sunk deeper into his warmth. "Especially the newer movies, I think Tom Holland does a really good job."

Lee turned Spiderman: Far From Home on, and looked at me, clearly taking note of how sleepy I was getting.

"Do you want to spend the night? You look really tired," he asked. I thought it was already implied that I would stay the night. 

"It's probably safer than me trying to get home. Can I borrow some clothes to sleep in?"

"Yeah. How about I pause the movie, we can get ready for bed, and then we can watch?" He suggested, scooting out of the bed. I nodded, and followed him to his closet, where he gave me a pair of shorts and a tee shirt to change into.

"Do you have an extra tooth brush I can use?"

"In the drawer under the sink," he replied. I made my way into the bathroom and changed, brushed my teeth, and smoothed out my hair with my fingers.

"What should I do with it when I'm done?" I called, staring at the blue on the handle, opposed to the green on his.

"Put it with mine, I guess," I nodded and put it in the same cup with his before leaving the bathroom, holding my clothes in one hand. I set them on top of my purse, and passed Lee in the hall, so he could get ready for bed.

I smiled at him slightly, and went to his room, right under the covers and waited a few minutes before he came back. He quickly turned the movie back on and got in with me. His arm was back around me in no time at all.

"In case I fall asleep before the movie is over, I should say goodnight," he leaned over and kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight, (y/n). Sleep well."

"I'm sure I will," I closed my eyes and just listened. His heartbeat was faster than I imagined it would be. I think he was nervous for our first sleepover.

I relaxed, and soon found myself comfortably asleep.

[Sorry for the awkward ending, I originally wrote a lot more and didn't know where to stop.]

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