ArtGum story

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So I am writing a fanfic for the first time in a year. This is a ship called ArtGum with an named Hina oc created by the amazing mailleur_maker on TikTok and Instagram, all credit for Hina goes to her. You should definitely check out her content, it is amazing. So if she reads this I am sorry if this is bad I have not written anything in a while. I hope you enjoy! This contains MILD SMUT!

Hina Tsukuru was a pro hero known as Artiste. She could make anything she drew come to life. She is also the art teacher at UA. Another fact about her is she's madly in love with Taishiro Toyomitsu, otherwise known as FatGum. She has been in love with him for years when they first worked together on a mission. She loved everything about him, and yet they have been apart for years and he had probably forgotten about their time working together, but she never did. So imagine her surprise when a familiar face came to her classroom door when she was teaching 1-A how to do their next art project.

She looked up to see FatGum picking up Kirishima for his internship. She did not know how to respond so before he could even get a word out she slammed the door in his face and looked at Kirishima. "Kirishima! Why is FatGum here?!" She whisper yelled not wanting the pro hero behind the door to hear her. Her face was red with embarrassment. Did she really just slam the door on her crush's face? What was she thinking?!

"Uhh... he is here to pick me up for my internship. You knew this, I told you before class started." The red hair student said as he was collecting his things wondering what was going on with her. Why was she so surprised to see him there?

"Yeah but you did not tell me he was picking you up here!" She whisper yelled again and opened the door "Heyyy FatGum... yeah he is just getting his things, he will be out in just a second. " she smiled nervously.

"Hey Artiste, it has been a while. I did not know you were the art teacher here, Kirishima has not been giving you any trouble has he?" Fat asked jokingly knowing Kirishima needed a bit of help in his studies but overall he was a good kid.

"Wait you two know each other?!" Kirishima asked surprise to see his mentor and art teacher talk like old friends.

"Well of course! Artiste is one of the best pros out there! We worked together years back. We should meet up for coffee sometime and catch up." Fat said with his usual big smile as he wrote down his number hand handed it to her. She took it not knowing what to say so she gave him a small nod as he left with Kirishima.

As she closed the door she wondered if this was a dream, if it was please do not wake her up from it. She forgot that she still had the rest of her class there until she heard a small giggle coming from Mina who had a grin on her face. "Ohhh someone is in loveeee" she sang as the other girls giggled.

"Oh please you guys are not children, get back to working on your projects." She told them going back to her desk a smile not leaving her face as she put his contact information in setting the name as Gummy Bear.


It's been a week since their coffee date. One turned to two and then three. Hina couldn't believe it. She was out drinking one night with A few of her friends and may have had a few drinks to many because the next thing she knew she was calling Taishiro. "Heyyyy Taishiro!" She said excitedly her voice slurred from the alcohol she had been drinking.

"Hey Hina? Have you been drinking?" It was more of a statement than a question. Sure they have been texting and calling each other almost constantly but he could tell on her voice that she was drunk.

"What? No I haven't been drinking, but I wanted to call to tell you something important. I am in love with you. I have been for four years since we first worked together." Her voice slurs after every word.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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