Move on

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The war was over. Allura ended it just like she said she would. She sacrificed herself to save every reality known in existence. Lance took it the hardest. Right when he gets with the woman he loves, she dies right in front of him. No one thought it would ever be the same, and it wasn't. It will never be the same no matter how hard everyone tries to forget Allura. But she would have wanted Lance to move on.

“Lance?” Keith asked as he saw Lance sitting in his room looking at the picture they took on their first date. Lance had not left his room in months and Keith was starting to get worried about his friend.

“I miss her Keith.” Was all Lance said as he turned to Keith with tearful eyes and then back at the picture.

“She would not want this Lance. You to be miserable. I know it is hard, and I’m not asking you to forget about her, but it has been months. You need to try and move on.” Keith told him putting his hand on Lance’s shoulder to comfort him. Lance turned to hug Keith, Keith not knowing what to do awkwardly put his arms around Lance.

“Thank you Keith. I will rey to move on.” Lance looked at Keith, and for the first time in a long time, he smiled. His real smile, and it was thinks to Keith. For once, he knew he was going to be okay as long as he was in Keith’s arms.

Shiro saw the two from a far and signed. He walked back to ATLAS to make sure no one was there. He ordered everyone to take the day off and relax, they all have been working so hard they deserved it. That's when he saw Curtis. He was working on a few programs he was asked to do, and he looked adorable. He was so focused on the work he did not notice that it was just him and Shiro in ATLAS. It was supposed to be everyone's day off, Curtis was not even supposed to be working on the programing until the next day, but of course he was working late.

“Curtis, I thought I ordered everyone to have the day off. That includes you.” Shiro said stepping closer to the chair he was sitting in. Curtis turned to Shiro and blushed deeply knowing he should have been relaxing, but he wanted to finish the programing.

“I know, sir, I just wanted to finish this. I am almost done with it, then I can take time off.” Curtis turned back to his screen when Shiro turned him back so they were facing each other. Shiro hand one arm on the back of the chair and his mettle arm on the arm of the chair.

“Your going to stop working on this and take the rest of the day off. That is an order Curtis.” Shiro backed up waiting for Curtis to leave first to make sure he did not go back to his work. Curtis sighed and saved his progress and headed out with Shiro.

Shiro watched Curtis head to the others who were hanging out near Hunk’s new restaurant when he sighed heading back to his room. He really liked Curtis and he knew Curtis liked him back. The way he blushed when he saw Shiro walk in the room, or the way he became much more quiet when Shiro was around. Shiro wanted nothing more but to ask Curtis on a date, he just felt it was wrong After what happened with Adam, and even so, the reason why Adam died was because of Shiro. Or at least he blamed himself.

Shiro sat down on the bed he and Adam once shared and looked at his feet. He planned to stay like that for a few hours, but he saw something under the bed. He never noticed it before but he picked it up. It was a letter addressed to him, and it was in Adam’s handwriting. Shiro teared up and opened it carefully and was in even more tears as he read the letter.

‘Dear Takashi, It's been a while since we last talked. I miss you everyday. I am so sorry for everything I said to you the day you left. You were following your dream and I left you. All this time I thought you left me...I should have stood by your side. I should have waited for you, but it would not have changed the facts. I still would have died. I would have went on that mision. I am dead now and I am watching over you now. I want you to be happy Shiro. I want you to move on. I know there will always be a place in your heart for me but i need you to get married and be happy. Start a family. I love you Takashi Shirogane.

Shiro held the letter close to him and cried. He never thought he would hear from Adam agin but this proved Adam was still there, even if Shiro could not see him. He wiped his eyes and stood up. He walked out of his room with red puffy eyes when Curtis saw him.

“Captain whats wrong? He asked clearly worried about Shiro. Shiro shook his head taking Curtis’s hand in his own looking into his eyes. Curtis was blushing deeply and everyone had their eyes glued to the couple.

“Shiro. Call me Shiro Curtis. And for the first time, I am okay. Curtis, do you want to go on a date?” Shiro asked suddenly. Curtis looked shocked and blushed more if that was possible and smiled widely nodding as if he forgot how to speak. Shiro smiled and took his hand pulling him close kissing his cheek.

Curtis had a sudden burst of confidence and quickly kissed him properly. Shiro closed his eyes wrapping his arms around him kissing back softly. And for the first time scene Alura died, everyone was happy. And as Allura watched over her old team she smiled proud of them. Adam watched his ex-fiance proud of him finding someone else and proud to see him happy. The two looked at each other and smiled as if they were old friends watching over there old friends and family.

So my first Voltron fanfic in a long time. I am really proud of this one and it is a long one I know. I really hoped you all liked it. Anyway I hope you all have happy holidays! 💜💜💜

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