Your smile (Prinxiety)

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*Roman's POV*
  After the video I could not get Anx- Virgil's smile out of my head. Yeah he has had sarcastic smiles or a smirk every now and then, but his real smile. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I sit in my room lost in thought when I hear someone pop up in my room. I look around to see Virgil.
  "Hey Virg, what's up?" I ask him.
  "Well Patton told me to come and get you for dinner." He says looking slightly shy.
  "Okay. I will be down in a second." I say trying to hide my blush. 'What is wrong with me?! Why am I so nervous around him?!' I think to myself and he nods and leaves. I follow shortly after to find him talking to Patton.
  "Pat what do I do?! I am so nervous around him I can't even look at him. He won't feel the same. He already said he doesn't like me multiple times." He says not noticing I am there.
  "Well you have to face him sooner or later, kiddo." Patton tells Virgil and I walk behind Virgil with him still not knowing I am there but Patton sees me. I put my finger to my mouth signaling him to not say anything.
  "I think I love him..." Virgil says and I couldn't take it anymore. I turn him around and quickly kiss him. Patton squeals but Logan dragged him out of the room to give us some privacy. When I pull away he is a blushing mess.
  "S-so Y-you heard everything?" He asks not looking at me and I just smile.
  "Yes. And I feel the same way." I tell him and kiss his head. He gives me a smile. His real smile.
  "You have the most beautiful smile in the world." I tell him wich only made it bigger and he kisses me.
  "Thank you Princy." He giggles and hugs me.
  "Lets go get food." I say and he pulls me to get food with Logan and Patton sitting at the table. Patton as the biggest smile and Logan has a small smile to match.
  "So you are together now?" He asks as he puts two plates of food in front of us.
  "Yes. And I know that you are also." I say and take a bite of food which put a blush on his face and Patton giggling.

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