You matter to me (Texting Klance)

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This will be Keith and Lance from Voltron. I hope you like it.

Lance: Keith?

Keith: What do you want Lance. It is three in the morning.

Lance: Sorry I just was thinking...

Keith: That's dangerous.

Lance: This is what I need to talk about. You, Pidge, Hunk, and Shiro do this all the time. I know ypu don't mean anything by it, but I can't help but to think that you don't need me here. With Shiro back he can get the black lion back. You can have Red back and Allura made amazing progress with Blue. There are no other lions. So I am no longer needed. Like you guys say, I am just the goofball of the group. I just had to tell someone so I guess goodbye.

Keith: Lance is that really how you feel?

Keith: Lance?

Keith: Lance don't go. The team needs you! Dammit I need you! Don't leave!

Keith: Where are you?!

Keith: You are not in your room

Keith: You are not picing up!

Keith: Lance please... I am begging.

Keith: LANCE!
Keith: I love you Lance! Are you happy?! I said it! I love you and I need you! You matter to me!

Read at 3:43

Lance: Help

So if anyone wants a part two or cares for one, let me know. If you have any requests let me know! I hope you all have an amazing day and I love you all!!! 💜💜💜

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