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I know it has been a while but with finals at school I have not been able to update. I am working on a LAMP sander sides and it will be up soon. Also...SEASON 8 OF VOLTRON!!!!!


I plan on making a fan fiction about Shiro and Curtis. Here is the plot .

Imagine Shiro is in love with Curtis and Curtis is in love with Shiro, and they both know it, But he really feels like it's going to be cheating on Adam because he's still in love with Adam. He begs for a sign to move on and that's a winning note appears in front of Shiro address to him. It's an Addams handwriting and it's says, 'Takashi, it's been awhile since we've last talked. I regret every day what I said to you and I wish I could take it back. The moment you left I wish I could take everything back. I thought that you died out there but then Sam came and said that you were alive, I was hopeful that we might get back together one day, but now I'm going on a mission that will likely kill me. I want you to move on Takashi, I know that there will be always a place in your heart for me but I want you to move on and find a nice man and start a family like we were going to. I love you talk Takashi shirogane. Love Adam' what's Shiro reads the note he cries and is able to finally move on.

What do you think??? Should I make this a fanfiction? A one shot or story?

Oneshots!!! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora