My prince (Logic x Prince)

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So I have never really been into this one but I will love to try and make it. Thank you EnderGirl555 for the request and I hope you like it.

*Logan's POV*
I was working on the new Sander Side video but I needed help. Patton would only want dogs and Virgil would put dark conspiracies in it. So that left Roman.

I walk to his room and knock. When I did not hear an answer I knocked again a little louder.

"Roman I n-" I started to walk in when I see him with a razor in his hand and several cuts on his arms and he was passed out.

"VIRGIL! PATTON! GET THE FIRST AID KIT!" I scream and run to Roman's body. Patton and Virgil run in and see me with tears in my eyes and I start to wrap up Roman's arms.

"R-Roman..." Virgil said seeing his best friend passed out with cuts. He blamed himself for not seeing this before.

"Son..." Patton cried knowing that he is not his son but he felt like a dad to all of us. He blamed that he could not hear him call for help.

"Love... don't leave me." I say and place a gentle kiss on his lips and he wakes up.

"G-guys?" He says and Virgil and Patton hug him immediately. After many tears they left wich left me and Roman.

"Why? Why would you do that?" I say after what felt like forever.

"Because I thought you would never love me back." He says but I knew he was not done. "But true loves kiss woke me from my slumber." He says and kisses me. I gladly kiss back. He is my Prince.

Thank you again EnderGirl555 for this request. If anyone has any request feel free to message me or put them in the comments below. I hope you all have an amazing day and I love you all!!! 💜💜💜

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