You forgot (logicality)

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*Patton's POV*
    Logan has been working so hard lately. All day everyday and when I try to get him to rest he just says the same thing.
    "If I don't do it who will?" So I set up a date for us. It is our three year anniversary and I was planning something special.
    First I was going to take him to a nice fancy dinner I have been saving up for. Then I was going to take him to where we had our first date. The art museum. I know its not the best first date but Logan loved it. Lastly I was going to take him to the pond at the park and... I was going to propose. But now I am in my room crying... he forgot our anniversary.
*Logan's POV*
    It has been a while scene I have even heard from Patton. I look at my clock and sigh. When I was about to go and ask him what was wrong I saw my calender... 
    'Shit' I wisper under my breath. I quickly grab my present I picked out for him a week before. Then I go and knock on his door.
    "Patton..." I say and the door opens quickly. He stands in front of me with tears and an angry look. Patton never gets angry...
    "LOGAN I WAITED FOR YOU! I WAS GOING TO TAKE YOU OUT ON A NICE DATE FOR YOU TO RELAX. I WAS GOING TO PROPOSE TO YOU!" He screamed throwing a ring at me and I have tears in my eyes.
    "Patton..." I try to say but he was not done.
    "PATTON! Yes I love you! Yes I forgot I admit but for a reason. I was working on this." I say pulling out the gift.
    "I know it's not much but I hope you like it." I said handing it to him. It was a small stuffed dog with a blue tie and glasses with a heart. The heart said 'You are my heart'. He opens the card that came with it and coverd his mouth with tears.
I am not good at emotions but with you. I fell every emotion at once. You make me complete. You make me whole. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you so much.
    "But if you really think we should break up... I will respect you and let you go... no matter how much I love you I just want you happy..." I say and start to walk away but he grabs my arm and hugs me tight.
    "You are not getting rid of me that easy Logan." He says smiling with tears still in his eyes.
    "Do you like it?" I ask him and pull away wiping tears from his face.
    "I love it!" He says kissing my head. He looks on the ground and sees the ring and picks it up.
    "Logan. I love you so much and without you I would not be myself. I need to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" He asks and I just give him a smile.
    "Of course!" I smile as he puts the ring on me and pulls me into a kiss. We did get married. We adopted a son. Years later Roman and Virgil got married. We are a big happy family. And Patton still has his stuffed dog.

Sorry if this was bad. I had fun writing it though. I hope you liked it! Remember if you have any requests tell me about it and I will do my best to write it. I love you all and I hope you have a good rest of your day! 💖💖💖

Oneshots!!! Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora