I can be good for you (part three)

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"Wait, can you repeat that?" Roman asked wanting to make sure he heard Virgil correctly. Never in his life he thought Virgil, his crush for ten years would feel the same way. He was excited and happy until he saw tears in Virgil's eyes. He quickly took his best friend in his arms but it only made Virgil back up.

"I-I'm sorry, y-you w-would never l-like me i-if you knew who I r-really was..." Virgil cried. He knew who Roman was, he knew he was Princy. He figured it out because he saw his mask one day after school. He looked at his face that day and really studdyed it and knew it was true. He kept Anxiety a secret because Roman would hate him. Probably even kill him. You see Roman and Virgil had powers. That is why they are the superhero and 'supervillain' of our town.

Roman...Princy had flight and strength. That is why he is so good at sports. He is stronger than anyone in the school. He works out to make it look natural but he was born that way. He is amazing and even at school everyone loves him. Even the straight boys would look back at him while walking down the hall at school. Every girls would drool over him and ask him to prom or to a movie trying to look as flirty as possible. Batting their eyes and messing with their hair, but he always said the same thing. A simple "No thinks. I'm gay."

Virgil...Anxiety had teleportation and telekinesis. He got to class super quick so he could avoid the crowded halls and avoid the bullies. Not even Roman knew about them because if he did Virgil thought he would overreact and get someone killed. No one liked him and everyone except Roman would avoid him at all costs because he wore darker clothes and dark eyeshadow. People would throw trash at him when Roman was not looking and send him threats in class that he did not have with Roman.

Virgil never wanted to be the villain. He never wanted to hurt that lady, but he did. It was an accident and that is how he became Anxiety. He was just walking to work when some bullies from school came up to him. They did not recognize him because he was wearing lighter clothes and he had his hair parted a different way. He did not have the dark makeup he liked to have on. He looked norman for once. Then there was a car heading for an old lady. The man who was driving was drunk and the only thing Virgil could think of is to use his telekinesis to move her out of the way. But things went wrong and she hit a pole on her head. She died instantly.

Roman looked hurt when Virgil backed away from him but was determined to know what was wrong with him. He wanted to help his best friend. He had no idea what Virgil was going through or what he was talking about, but he wanted to help any way he could. He scooted a little closer brushing Virgil's long bangs out of his face looking in his beautiful brown eyes.

"Virgil, what do you mean I would not like you if I knew who you really were?I know who you are. You are my best friend for thirteen years, you are the most beautiful person I have ever met, you are so kind and sweet no matter how tough you act. Please Virgil, I understand if you don't want to date, but let me help you. I want to help you." Roman told him holding his han kissing it softly to calm him down which surprisingly worked well. Virgil took a deep breath and looked at Roman not bothering to wipe the tears off his face. He started to chew on his bottom lip wondering how he is going to explain to Roman that he is Anxiety. Would he leave? Would he turn him in jail? Would he kill him on the spot?

"W-What do you t-think of A-Anxiety?" Virgil asked wanting to get his opinion on him first. He wanted to see if he really would hate him. Maybe Roman would understand and they can fight crime together and be a superhero couple.

"Anxiety? What does that villon have to do with this? Are you worried he will hurt you? I promise he will not lay a hand on you!" roman said looking for bruises on Virgil until he made Roman look at him. Virgil had fear in his eyes and tears streaming down his face again.

"Roman...I...I know who you are. I know you are Princey and before you denied it, don't. I already know you are. You can't protect me from Anxiety because....because I am Anxiety. I didn't mean to become a villon...I just wanted to save her! She was going to get hit by a drunk driver! Please...just leave so I can try and get over you. Or if you are going to hurt me like everyone at school for being a freak, just hurry up." Virgil said flinching at how pathetic he sounded. Virgil sighed thinking everything they have ever been through was gone. He thought Roman would leave. He held his face in his hands and cried harder when he heard the door open and close. He looked up to find Roman gone like he knew he would.

Virgil got up from the couch and walked to his room ignoring his dads watching from the hall. He did not blame Patton even if Patton blamed himself. Virgil blamed himself for never telling Roman in the first place. Virgil walked to his small room leaning his back to the door. He went on his bed dropping himself down hugging a purple pillow Roman gave him for his birthday. He put on his black and purple swirl headphones and listened to his music crying himself to sleep that night.

Virgil woke up the next day to feel two strong arms around him. He was facing away from the person but he knew it was Roman. He pretended to be asleep wondering if he was going to say anything, but he heard soft snoring. Virgil was going to move but then remembered how light of a sleeper Roman was. If he moved he would have to face Roman, but if he stayed Roman would wait for him to stop pretending to be asleep so they could talk. He was trying to figure out what to do when he felt Roman's arms lift off of him. It was almost to easy.

Virgil slowly and quietly got out of his own bed hoping not to wake Roman and headed for his door. He was almost at the door when he made the mistake looking back at Roman. He was whining and reaching out looking for something... or someone. It broke Virgil's hart to see the tear stained face on his best friend. Virgil looked back at the door and was just about to leave. He did not want to face Roman after what happened. He was always running from his problems, and this was no different. He had his hand on the door and took a deep breath. He was just about to open the door until he heard Roman speak.

"V-Virg...p-please don't leave." Roman whimpered holding onto a pillow tightly. Virgil never heard Roman sound so sad and weak. It broke Virgil's heart and he could not stand it anymore. Virgil closed his eyes and took the pillow from Roman climbing in his arms knowing he will face him. As soon as he did Roman hugged him tightly. Virgil noticed Roman was still sleeping so he smiled watching Roman sleep.

"I am sorry Roman...we can never be together now that you know who I am. You know we are not the only one with powers. The other villains will kill you if they find out who you are, or if they find out I love you." Virgil sighed and kissed Roman's cheek knowing it will be the last time he will ever be able to even come close to being with him.

"Virgil. I don't care. I just want to be with you. I will do anything to be with you. Please Virgil, I have loved you for so long. I will even give up my powers for you." Roman said still holding him in tears. Virgil gasped at Roman said. The surgery to give up his powers could kill Roman. The fact that Roman said he would hurt himself to be with him hurt Virgil inside. He hugged Roman and pulled him in for a quick kiss. It was short but everything Virgil ever wanted. Once Virgil pulled away he looked Roman in the eye.

"Don't get rid of your powers. You know it can kill you, and I don't want to take the chance of you hurting yourself. I am not worth that." He told Roman not breaking eye contact. Roman pulled him in another kiss instead of talking. This kiss was longer but just as passionate. When Roman pulled away he looked at Virgil with a serious look that made Virgil feel weak and vulnerable.

"You are so worth it Virgil. I would do anything for you. I will give up my powers and risk my life for you." Roman told Virgil who was shocked at what Roman said.

"Then I would give up mine for you." Virgil said knowing it would be more likely to kill him because she was born with his powers unlike Roman who was cursed with his. He hoped Roman did not know that but he felt he would have to prove he would go the same length as Roman.

"No. I am not going to let you take that risk for me." Roman told him as Virgil gave him a death glare.

"So you will kill yourself for me, but I am not aloud to do the same for you?" Virgil told Roman still holding on to him not letting him leave. Roman sighed looking away wondering what to do. They had two choices. To take the risk on dying by getting their powers removed or taking the risk of other heroes and villains killing them. Either way, they are screwed. 

Oneshots!!! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora