Pride parade (Sabriel)

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Pride parade

June sixteenth. That was the day Sam, Dean, Cas, and Gabe went to a pride parade. It was Cas' idea, he thought they should celebrate for equality, and because he wanted to come out to his family by wearing a rainbow flag shirt with his boyfriend, Dean wearing a pink, purple, and blue flag shirt holding Cas' hand. It was also the day Sam was going to propose to his boyfriend for three years. Gabe was focused on the colorful balloons and floats and Sam enjoyed watching his boyfriend's eyes light up each time a flote passed by.

It was sunny and cloudy at the same time and the wind blew just enough for the flags to wave in the air. Sam's hair was pulled back because he promised Gabe the night before he could do whatever wanted to his hair. He slightly regretted it but it was worth it to see the love of his life smile. Sam held Gabe's hand as he looked away from the rainbow flags and floats to be greeted by his boyfriend's smile.

"What are you so happy about Samshine?" Gabe asked smirking at the silly nickname he gave his boyfriend. He always liked to give Sam nicknames because he knew it annoyed him at first. Now if he did not call Sam one of his ridiculous nicknames Sam would know something was wrong.

"I am at a parade that shows anyone and everyone are equal with my wonderful boyfriend, and brother with his boyfriend. What do I not have to be happy about?" Sam asked putting one hand in his pocket fiddling with the ring he was going to give Gabe. That is when everything went bad.

"ALL OF YOU SINNERS ARE GOING TO HELL!" A voice screamed that belonged to a man in his mid thirties and he had a gun. The man was obviously drunk and started to shout at people. The first person hit was a girl who was with her girlfriend. She had straight red hair and hat on a rainbow shirt on. The girls girlfriend cried out about to run to her but the cops held her two men held her back protecting her while three other men ran to the man with the gun.

"CHARLIE NO! LET ME GO TO HER!" The girl screamed. Gabe was in shock and Dean already had Cas in a safe place. Sam grabe Gabe's arm to lead him to safety but he started to run to protect a girl with silver hair who could not be more fifteen years old. Gabe must have known because that was his next target. He aimed the gun at the girl and Sam ran after Gabe.

"Look out!" Gabe shouted and pushed the girl out of the was as the bullet hit him instead. The bullet hit him in the stomach. The girl ran to safety and the man was apprehended by the cops and was taken away. Sam ran to his boyfriend ignoring the copes telling him to move. He held his lovers hand kissing it softly.

"Gabe you are oke. Your going to be okay, and we can get married. I will propose right when you get better and everything will be okay." Sam said putting pressure on the built wound. Gabe coughed a little blood and looked up at Sam with his golden eyes smiling at him.

"We both know I'm not going to make it Samsquanch." Gabe laughed weekly still finding a time to try and lighten the mood with a nickname for Sam. He knew this was it. Gabe was going to die and deep down, Sam knew it too.

"No, no, no! You are going to be okay." Sam cried yelling for an ambulance wondering why no one was helping him. Sam pulled out the ring from his pocket to reveal a golden ring as he slowly slipped it on Gabe's finger. "Please...I want to marry you Gabriel."

"Sam. Forget about me. I am going to a better place and you know it. Besides, has dethever stopped me from loving you. I will see you soon my love." Gabe said taking his final breath in his lovers arms. Sam cried as the police dragged him away from Gabe's lifeless body.

"NO! NO PLEASE HE IS MY BOYFRIEND!" Sam yelled hoping that everything was a dream. That Gabe would be next to him when he woke up making breakfast downstairs. But Sam never did wake up from the nightmare.

Soooooo please don't kill me...I thought of this and I had to write it! I made myself cry in this also if that makes you guys feel any better!

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