Get back here

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So I felt bad for leaving the last one how it ended so I hope this one will be better.

*Sam's POV*

When Gabriel left me like that I was feeling anger and sadness. I was also angry with myself. I should have never yelled at him. I should have hugged him and told him to stay. I was about to pray to him but then Dean yelled saying that there was a case. I sigh grabbing my things and heading to the car.

"So did you find anyway to get the rift open?" Dean asks me as he drives. I debate with myself if I should tell him about Gabriel, but I decide to keep it to myself.

"No. Not yet, but I am looking." I reply and stay silent for the rest of the trip. It was supposed to be a simple hunt. A demon and that was it. We have hunted much worse. In and out is what Dean told me. But every hunter knows one hunt can be your last. That is what I was thinking when the demon attacked me when Dean was in the other room looking for it.

"Dean!" I screamed as it attacked me and he ran in quickly ran to stab it with the blade when it smoked out. I was on the ground and I was hurt but I tried to hide where it was the worst. I convinced Dean I was okay and he nodded heading to the car.I stand up and follow holding my side, but I was not so lucky to leave when a certain archangel showed up and giving me the death glare.

"Show me Sam." Gabriel demand. I shake my head but that did not stop him from moving my arm and lifting my shirt slightly reviling a large hole in my side that the demon made.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asks me with the death glare not leaving his face.

"Why do you care? You are just going to leave again." I say giving him the same look.

"I left because you did not want me there! You made that clear by yellung at me." He says folding his arms across his chest.

"Are you kidding?! Did you not hear my prayer?! I told you I needed you there! I told you that I loved you!" I shout and take a deep breath to calm down. "Just... don't leave me. Come back with me. We won't use your grace to open the rift. We will find another way just come back." I tell him. I hug him tightly and I hear a small chuckle.

"I will help you open the rift. I want to see my nephew." He tells hugging me back.

"You don't have to, but it will help out a lot..." I say pulling away from the hug and looking him to his eyes.

"Come on kiddo. Dean is waiting in the car and he will be shocked to see me." He smirks leading me out of the building. I follow and he stops for a second. I look back confused why he stoped but before I could ask he pushes his lips to mine. Before I could respond he pulls away smirking. "I never told you I love you too." He tells me and walks to the car. I smile and follow. For the first time in a long time I feel happy.

Okay so I ended it happy! I hope you liked it!

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