I can be good for you (part two)

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Virgil stood with his dad as he looked expecting with his son. Virgil sighed and looked Logan in the eye. Virgil knew he was caught and he knew that he could not lie, and if he tried he knew his dad would see through his lie. Both of them could always see through him.

“Yes Papa, but I can explain everything. You see Anxiety was never supposed to be bad. He was supposed to be good. Helping people in need and giving back to the community. Like a superhero. But Princey caught me at a bad time. I was helping a woman who was being robbed and he thought I was robbing her so he made me out to be a bad guy. I really did take up a job. I was helping out in animal shelters and helping at banks. At first I was doing it for volunteer hours, but then they started to pay me, so I saved up to get the treatment that dad needed. I felt like I had to after everything that both of you have done for me.” Virgil told him in tears. He still felt like he owed his dads his life after thirteen years. He just wanted to help them. He always wanted to make them proud of him. He felt as if he owed them his life for taking him away from the horrible place he was in.

“Virgil, I believe you, but you know that you do not owe us anything. We adopted you thirteen years ago because we wanted you to be in our family. We love you Virgil. And you are a hero. I am so proud of you, son” Logan said hugging the crying boy in front of him. Logan did not show emotion much, but when he did it was for the people he loved. He held on to Virgil tearing up a little bit himself. He realized how much he has been neglecting his son because Patton was so sick. “I am so sorry Virgil. I realize now how much you have been neglected by me. I only thought I was about to lose my husband, I never thought you were about to lose your dad. I made you feel like you lost both of us didn’t I?”

“Papa it is okay. You wanted to help dad and I understand that. I know you feel guilty but you were only trying to do what was best. But it is okay now. We are going to be okay.” Virgil told him pulling back from the hug looking at his dad wiping the tears from his glasses.

A while later there was a knock on the door. Virgil knew it was Roman right away because it was the secret knock. Logan soon picked up on it too because every time he heard that  knock it was Roman. Logan also knew that Prince was Roman. It was not hard to figure it out. They looked alike, Roman always wanted to be a prince, and they even talked the same way.

“Come on in Roman.” Logan called out smiling still proud of his son. He knew that Virgil would tell Roman everything sooner or later, not only because they are best friends, but because he knew how much he loved Roman. Roman walked in the house making a grand entrance like he always does. Virgil laughed as he did and walked next to him.

“Roman! How are you today?” Patton asked his sons best friend smiling. Patton knew also how much Virgil loved Roman and he knew Roman felt the same way. He wanted them to be happy because Virgil was his son and Roman was Virgil’s best friend. He thought of Roman as another son.

“I am fine Patton, how are you feeling?” Roman asked his second father. He was so close to Virgil’s family he called Patton and Logan by their first names. He felt closer to this family than his own because his family was never home. They were always out with friends not bothering to even say hello. Roman had a lot of money and always tried to fill the void of abandonment with nice things and nice clothing until he started to hang out with Virgil at his house. Logan and Patton were so loving and accepting. They did not have much but they had each other, something Roman wished he had with his family.

“I am getting better, Virgil got a job and saved enough money to get my medicine.” Patton said happily holding up the medicine. Roman has tried to offer to buy it for him many times, but each time they refused. They did not want to feel as if they were using Roman for his money.

“That is great! I did not know you got a job.” Roman said looking at Virgil with a smile. Virgil blushed at the smile and hid behind his bangs like he always does. He put on his signature smirk and looked back at his best friend.

“There are a lot of things you might not know about me Princy.” Virgil joked but it was true. Roman would say he knew everything about him but he did not know his biggest secret or that he was madly in love with him. Roman gasped overdramatically like he was offended. He clasped his hands over his chest and tilted up his head.

“I have you know, I know everything about my best friend!” Roman exclaimed claiming he knew all about Virgil. He would even prove it in a test that he knew Virgil, Logan, and Patton would all give him and he was confident he would get a 100%

“Okay then what is my favorite color?” Virgil asked an easy question to start off with. Almost to easy that Roman was a little suspicious.

“That is easy. You tell everyone it is black but really it is purple. Give me a harder one.”

“How does he like his coffee?” Patton asked sitting up from the couch looking at the group waving them to the couch to sit down.

“He likes it with a splash of milk and a little sugar.” Roman replied sitting on the couch as Virgil and Logan followed. Logan and Patton looked at Virgil, though they knew the answer. Virgil smiled and nodded telling Roman he was correct.

“What is his favorite song?” Logan asked pushing up his glasses closing his eyes holding  his husband in his arms.

“Welcome to the Black Parade.” Roman said rolling his eyes at the easy questions thinking that they could not stump hi. He thought he really did know everything about his best friend. He thought that every question they gave him he would answer. Until Patton asked something that he knew Roman would not know, but Virgil was not happy about what he asked.

“Who is his crush?” Patton asked knowing that it would stump Roman but Virgil blushed deeply and looked at his dad.

“DAD!” Virgil exclaimed with red cheeks and Roman looked at Virgil confused.

“You never told me you had a crush. Who is he???” Roman asked wanting to know. It killed him that he did not even know that Virgil had a crush and now that he did know he wanted to know his name.

“Dear I think you went to far.” Logan said to Patton who gave a sorry look to his son. Virgil had to act brave so Roman would not get suspicious it was him.

“If I told you then you really would know everything about me. I can have some secrets.” He teased still blushing. Roman pouted and looked like he got an idea and smirked.

“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” He said looking at Virgil. Vergil looked like he was thinking about it and that is when Logan decided it was time to let the boys have their privacy and took Patton to their room so they can have some privacy of their own.

“Fine. But you go first.” Virgil said knowing he would have to tell roman at sometime or another. He also knew he could lie if Roman did not say it was him, but Roman had other planes.

“How about we say it at the same time.” It was not a question. Roman sat so he was facing Virgil more and Virgil blushed more nodding.

“Okay...on three.” Virgil told him. What was he thinking, he was about to tell his crush that he loved him! Next thing you know he was going to tell him he was Anxiety!

“One…” The time was now. He was about to confess…

“Two…” ‘This is it. Thirteen years of friendship is about to go away’ Virgil thought to himself.


“You.” They said at the same time both shocked by the others answer.

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