Sweeter than candy

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Sam sat in his room reading a book while Dean and Cas went to the store to feed all the people in the bunker. He wanted to stay behind decase Dean told him he was finally going to tell Cas how he felt. Sam was happy for his brother, he was tired of the staring and the flirting. He wanted Dean to be happy and Cas definitely made him happy. But no one thought about Sam. No one noticed that he was upset about what happened with Gabriel. Sam could have saved him, but he was to late. He has gotten no sleep and has been studying non stop to find a way to bring him back.

He started to doze off after hours of reading and finding nothing when he heard a knock on the door. He jumped up in surprise and went to open the door. When he opened it he was met with golden eyes and a smirk. All the noise from the people in the bunker seamed to dissiper. The person he has been looking for was right in front of him. Sam stood there for a while not knowing what to to.

“Miss me Sammy?” Gabriel said the smirk not leaving his face. He had a sucker in between his lips and walked closer to Sam. He backed Sam onto the bed and closed the door so no one would bother them. Sam’s heart pounded out of his chest and stood up from the bed and hugged the archangel in front of him. Tears filled his eyes because he thought this was a dream.This was too good to be true, his crush in front of him after he saw him die.

“I know that this is a dream so I am just going to say this to move on...I love you Gabriel.” He said pulling away from the hug and gently kissed the angel pulling away not long after it started. He walked back to his bed expecting to wake up but Gabriel was having none of that. He pulled the hunter back in his arms and pulled him down so he can kiss him again. This kiss lasted longer and was more rushed. Sam was shocked but kissed back still thinking everything was a dream and thinking that he was going to wake up any minute. When Gabriel pulled away he smirked at the Winchester.

“You do know this is not a dream right?” Sam looked confused for a minute but then realized he was right. This was real! He kissed an archangel, He kissed Gabriel! Sam backed up to his bed still trying to process everything that just happened. Gabriel sat on the bed with him and smiled at him. It was a true smile, not a half smirk half smile, this was a full smile. Sam selt immediately calmer and looked away.

“I saw you die...I am sorry I could not save you.” He said ashamed with himself but Gabriel shook his head and got closer to Sam. He grabbed his hand which made Sam look at him. He wanted to speak but he felt a pair of lips on his own before he could say anything. When they parted Gabriel held his face in his hands.

“It is not your fault. I am happy you did not go after me, because you would have died. I can’t lose you, I can’t live without you. You can live without me. You have done it before and I know you can do it again, so I am happy you did not save me.” He told Sam looking him in the eye. He has never been this serious before, but he had to let Sam know the truth.

“How could you say that? Do you not remember me telling you that I needed you? Gabriel I have not slept since you died. I needed to find a way to bring you back. So don’t say that I can just live without you, because I can’t. I lost you once and I was so scared I lost you again.” Sam told Gabriel hugging him not bothering to stop the tears falling from his face. He has been holding in his sadness so he could be strong for Jack, Cas, and his brother.

“I am not leaving you again Sam.” He held on to Sam and kissed the top of his head as he soon cried himself to sleep. He wanted Sam to rest before they talked in the morning so he just sat there with a sleeping Sam in his arms.

Oneshots!!! Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin