Seventy Five |

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Enjoy! Hehehe~

Seventy Five |

Slowly, in the dark we moved through the tunnel system. Despite my excitement to find a zombie free place, it seemed every dark corner and every motion in the dark water had my guard up. It took one missing grate or a broken door to have an abundance of zombies around in within seconds.

Or maybe I was just afraid of the dark.

"How long have we been walking?" I muttered lowly.

It was strange, I had been on the move all my life—walking was never a problem. But now, I could begin to feel creaking in my knees and the bottoms of my heels ached. Perhaps I had gotten too comfortable by staying in one place.

"An hour?" Jax replied, "Maybe, I'm not sure. It's so dark down here."

Sebastian snickered, "General scared of the dark?"

"No," Jax replied, "But if I was I wouldn't be ashamed. Molly is and I wouldn't want her being bullied for such a fear. Maybe Erin is too."

"Back to Erin?" I hummed, "Your racist girlfriend wouldn't like that."

Jax snorted, "Molly wouldn't hurt a fly. I'm sure Lisa made that up. I'm impressed Alana believed that. Why would Molly be racist? She's the sweetest woman ever born in this hell."

I stopped dead in my tracks, completely stunned.

"She really has you brainwashed," I gasped, "Or maybe you're so longing for a damsel in distress you'd ignore the evil in your little Snow White. You do realize once her true colours show everyone will think you're a racist too. I'm sure a few already think that. Be careful Jax, or you'll be lumped with the likes of Landon."

Jax stopped to face me. I didn't flinch in the heat of his flashlight.

"How could I believe you?" he demanded, "Everything was fine until you got back. Then the Molly who has been here for months is suddenly evil and racist? She plays with the farm kids for hours a day for fuck sakes. How am I expected to believe you when I hurt you?"

Silence fell over us and began an awkward staring contest. In his defense I understood where he was coming from. To him, I was a jealous ex who was out to get him. He really didn't understand that what was between us had long turned to ash. I was over him and he doubted that. I couldn't change his mind about Molly—she had him so bewitched with an illusion of the perfect damsel. I couldn't save him, I could only pray to a god I didn't believe in that when her evil rose through he'd be spared any hurt.

"Let's just continue on," I sighed softly, "Summer is counting on us."

Jax nodded and we continued our walk. As we did, Sebastian grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. It warmed my heart. He was reminding me of his comfort without alerting Jax. Who knew what he'd say if he spotted our little conversing. Luckily, we didn't have to converse long before we were reaching the end of the path.

"Something's here," Jax hummed, shining his light up a set of metal stairs.

I bit my lip, "Be careful."

He crept forward until his figure melted into the shadows around us. Instantly, I stepped forward shining my light to where he had gone. However, those stairs were larger than I expected, winding up to what I assumed was a ground level access. Beside the stairs a large nicely painted hospital sign. An entrance to the hospital—but was it clear?

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